Saturday, July 27, 2024

With Omigron and holiday schedules conflicting, discovery of the Govit-19 test is now a struggle in the United States.


With millions of people traveling or planning a major family reunion, testing is sorely needed — and many are not fortunate enough to get quick tests in clinics or to buy test kits at home.

Long queues were seen on Tuesday in New York, Boston, Miami, Ohio and Minnesota.

Demand is about to grow, said Michael Osterholm, director of the Center for Epidemiological Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota.

“We have some evidence. But I think what we need in the next two to eight weeks is going to be important. And expect to see that big uptick across the country.

“I think we’ll see all 50 states in soup at once. So, testing requirements are going to be very high,” Osterholm said.

And during the Biden administration Plans to introduce 500 million new tests Next month, the spike in holiday tests is happening now.

“What has happened is that with the massive spread of Omegran, we’ve seen a massive increase in the need for testing and we need to continue,” US Surgeon General Vivek Murthy said on Tuesday. “I definitely feel for people who can’t easily find the evidence they want.”

The former US Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services expressed concern about the administration’s failure to honor the administration’s commitment to testing.

“If we don’t have a billion or 2 billion a month, I think we should still be the ones who choose to keep people from dying of disease,” said Dr. Brett Giorgio. He told CNN.

Covid-19 cases are on the rise in the US: According to data from Johns Hopkins University, there were an average of 148,000 new cases per day in the past week, up 23% from last week, and the most recent levels seen in mid-September.

More than 69,700 government patients and 19 hospital patients were in the US on Wednesday, up from a low of about 45,000 on November 8, according to data from the Department of Health and Human Services.

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According to Johns Hopkins, there were an average of 1,324 deaths per day in the US last week19, up 11% from the previous week.

Residents wait in line to receive free Covit-19 test kits in Chelsea, Massachusetts on Tuesday.

There is a shortage of hospital beds in some parts of the country

The increase in cases has led to a shortage of hospital beds in the country’s pockets.

In Delaware, Christian Care is operating at 100% capacity, often at 110%-115%, its president Sharon Corfirst said.

“Patients are being treated in the corridors because that is the only place we need to put them in the emergency room at the moment,” he said.

Korfirst added that many of those who have delayed treatment for nearly two years due to non-state co- 19 health issues now need medical attention.

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“It’s really bad for our healthcare system and our resources because of the number of government patients we’re seeing today,” he said.

In Ohio, six Cleveland-area hospitals put out a one-page ad in a local newspaper on Sunday. asks for help.

Read the ad “We need your help.” “Our hospitals now have more COVID-19 patients than ever before and the vast majority have not been vaccinated.”

Vaccination is a very effective way to prevent serious diseases. As of Tuesday, nearly 62 percent of the US population was fully vaccinated, while more than 30 percent had received a booster vaccination. According to the data From the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Surgeon General Murthy reminded People that those who were previously infected with Govt-19 and were not vaccinated are not fully protected by Omigran.

“It’s not enough to come to the family reunion and say, ‘That’s as good as the vaccine,'” Murthy told CNN’s Wolf Plitzer. If you have been vaccinated, please be encouraged.”

Israel exits as US health officials insist on vaccines and boosters The fourth dose of the vaccine for specific individuals: People over 60 years of age, medical personnel, and people with a depressed immune system.

In Israel, according to the Israeli Prime Minister’s Office, those entitled to the fourth dose can receive it at least four months after the third dose. All vaccinated citizens of that country received the Pfizer/BioNTech mRNA vaccine.

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About whether the United States can finally move to the fourth dose, said CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Wallinsky told CNN:

“Of course when we look at the science, we explore how we can look at it more fully,” he told AC360 on Tuesday. “Right now, we’re working to make sure people who are vaccinated get a booster dose – we want to make sure people are motivated.”

Now in the United States, Cuvette -19 . Vaccine Booster The third shot for those who received two doses of the mRNA vaccine — made by Pfizer/Bioendech or Modernna — or the second shot for those who received a single dose of Johnson & Johnson. Adults can have any of the three brands of vaccines, regardless of what they got them on first; Only children between the ages of 16 and 17 can benefit from a Pfizer booster.

Local authorities impose new rules against the revolution

Some local authorities are again imposing new regulations to prevent the spread of the virus.

In Chicago, Mayor Lori Lightfood said customers at most food and beverage companies must show proof of vaccination starting Jan. This measure applies to all customers over 5 years of age from restaurants, bars, gyms, theaters and other places of entertainment and sports that serve food and beverages.

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“Those who are not vaccinated affect the health, well-being and livelihoods of all of us,” Light Food said. “To control the spread, we need to reduce the risk.”

Atlanta Mayor Geisha Lance Bottoms has moved to restore order to the city’s indoor masks, while the Massachusetts Department of Public Health is recommending that all residents wear masks indoors regardless of their vaccination status when they are not indoors, officials said Tuesday.

And in New York, the police department sees one Increase the number of agents contacting patientsAccording to figures shared with CNN by a senior NYPD official, including fully vaccinated officers.

Covit-19 عزل isolation period can be shortened

Amidst the recent surge, officials are thinking Reduces the isolation period by 10 days Dr. Anthony El Fassi said Tuesday to those who have tested positive, especially health care workers.
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“For example, if you find a health worker who does not have an infection and is not showing symptoms, you don’t want that person to be out of work for long… Especially if we run into hospital beds, there is a need for health,” said El Fassi, director of the National Institute of Allergy. and infectious diseases.

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The isolation period is also affecting flight attendants, with Delta airline officials urging the CDC to reduce the time to five days as Christmas approaches, with more than 90 percent of its staff vaccinated.

Murthy said authorities are studying whether it is safe to shorten the isolation period.

CNN’s Melissa Alonso, Amanda Selye, Jason Hanna, Oren Lieberman, Artemis Mochtagian, Jennifer Henderson, Perviz Chalawani, Marc Morales, Pete Montaigne and Naomi Thomas contributed to this report.


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