Saturday, July 27, 2024

The Migrant Wave: Shocking Numbers


The number of landings More and more on the rise, The migration crisis Our country has a growing reception system on the verge of collapse: this is the worrying picture that follows Frontex, European Border and Coast Guard Agency. A situation threatens to exploit the landings in the light of next summer. Nevertheless, Frontex has always been in the crosshairs of the progressive forces in Europe

Warning bell on illegal entries

it’s a statement This does not bode well for Frontex with regard to the issue of migration flows in Europe this spring. The numbers open up summer scenarios that are difficult to manage due to continuity Landing Impact on the central Mediterranean and increasingly seeing Italy as a champion of emergency landings. In total, in the first part of 2020, the number of illegal immigrants landed in various European Union countries reached 36,100. More than a third compared to the same period last year, when migration witnessed a decline due to Covid. If we then look at the month of April, the illegal flows recorded a presence of 7,800 foreigners with a quadruple increase compared to April 2020. And in Italy? The migrants who arrived here are mainly those who left from North Africa. In April, 1,550 foreigners arrived, double the number of them in the same period last year. According to data published by Frontex, in the first four months of 2021, more than Doubled Compared to the same period in 2020, with 11,600 admissions. According to the European Agency, Tunisians and Ivorians are the predominant citizens.

Frontex is at the center of the controversy

Alarming numbers Those are from Frontex. But there are those in Europe and Italy who want to reduce the size of the immigration problem. Just see, for example, the statements made on Monday by Pia Kohros, the Green Party representative in the European Parliament: “We have recent evidence – expressed by the European Parliament – that Frontex is working with the Libyan Coast Guard in illegal pushbacks from migrants, It is totally unacceptable. ” Emphasis was therefore placed on the agency’s alleged cooperation with the Libyans and potential responsibilities for recent deaths at sea. A scenario already seen on other occasions. The Greens, Socialists and Democrats all accused Frontex in January of aiding PNP Greek Navy To implement rejectionEven in some cases that were judged illegal, towards Turkey in the first months of 2020.

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Frontex It has now fallen Know Dependent Controversy Policies – a diplomatic source stressed on From the left, it is seen as a right-wing agency. Therefore, it is every good occasion to point to the alleged violations of international law. ”Months ago, some members of the European Parliament also asked the head of the agency, Frenchman Maurice Legeri:“ Even within Frontex, there is a belief – the diplomatic source declared – that part of the political world has taken An ideological stand against “the agency”. In April, another disagreement erupted after the appointment, inside Frontex Board of DirectorsHungarian actor and Croatian border police chief, Zoran Niseno. The names were viewed with more suspicion, especially from the left. Hence also the latest controversies, which can be classified as a true political counterattack.

The Ministry of the Interior confirmed the alarm about illegal flows

The net controversy over the data disclosed by Frontex, another source from which the general picture of the situation in Italy emerges, which is followed by the Ministry of the Interior on its website. Who is the In fact, it is possible to see the number of arrivals with daily updates. And the number that appears is dated 17 May The year 2021 is by no means reassuring: 13.303 The Access Compared to 4305 in the same period last year. The year 2021 immediately began with the invasion of migrants along the coasts of southern Italy, with an even greater concentration in Lampedusa. Although the first months of the new year were the most terrible in terms of health due to the epidemic, immigrants, compared to the first months of 2020, embarked on journeys of hope. The news of the past few days tells us how there are no borders to leave from the other side of the Mediterranean instead of facing the borders of Italy not ready to manage numbers of such great importance, especially if the focus is done within a few hours .. The maximum landing in Lampedusa is between 9 and Last May 10, with about 2,400 migrants, is an example of how to get the receiving mechanism on its knees without any warning. In all of this, Italy, which had been dependent on European support, was silent.

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Specter 2017

For weeks, the Italian government has been concerned about the new increase in landings. Immigration problem overshadowed, when CEO Mario Draghi took office. The priorities were other, starting with overcoming the Coronavirus emergency. So the news largely re-suggested the question. Also because I am Problems As for the prime minister, it is twofold: On the one hand, there is the home front PD e League Far from the solutions to be implemented and the very difficult tuning to achieve, on the other hand, there is an external solution with the European Union once again almost absent with the instability in North Africa threatening to remove more landing numbers.

In short, lo Domain From 2017. This means that it was the blackest year on the immigration front, a year that also forced the center-left to rule at the time, with Gentiloni in Palazzo Chigi and Minniti in Viminale, to execute the first Agreements with the Libyans. The numbers, compared to that time, are still much lower. Suffice it to say that from January 1 to On April 30, 2017, more than 60,000 immigrants descended. At the end of the year, the total number of illegal immigrants reached 119,310. However, the trend, in proportion to the lows reached between 2019 and 2020, is moving in that direction. With political and international issues still unresolved, the fear that the summer of 2021 will be similar to what it was four years ago is becoming increasingly real.


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