Saturday, July 27, 2024

Sweden and the Right Wins: Social Democratic Prime Minister Andersson Resigns


Now it’s official: Sweden will have a right-wing government. Swedish Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson, leader of the Social Democrats, has announced her resignation as prime minister, which will be formalized on Thursday, September 15.

The announcement came live as the final votes were counted in last Sunday’s political elections. The Prime Minister acknowledged the victory of the right-wing coalition backed by the far-right Swedish Democrats, led by Jimmy Akesson.

The conservative coalition of moderates, Sweden Democrats, Christian Democrats and Liberals is set to win 176 seats in parliament from 349 to 173 for the centre-left.

The elections represent a watershed in Swedish politics: Sweden’s Democrats, anti-immigration and marginalized by all major parties when they entered parliament in 2010, won 20.6% of the vote, surpassing the moderates, who had 19.1%, as president. right-wing party.

Ulf Christerson, the 58-year-old moderate leader, will now begin negotiations with the other parties in the coalition to form a new government that he will nominate as prime minister. Even if the moderates were the third force, the choice would have to fall on him, as far-right leader Jimmy Akeson would find it difficult as prime minister to get the support needed to form a coalition.

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