Friday, July 26, 2024

‘Teams from Qatar speak well of the World Cup’: former MEP, Panziri and trade unionist Visentini arrested for corruption


Bribes and gifts from Qatar to influence decisions European Parliament The most important trade union in the world International Trade Union Confederation (Etoc). In particular to defend reputation world championships From football. It is the center of the investigation Federal Police affiliate Belgium Which led to raids 16 searches in the various municipalities of the region Brussels. four people They are arrested and are being interrogated: among them is a former MEP for the Democratic Party and Article 1 Antonio Panziri – Former secretary of the Chamber of Labor in Milan – and trade unionist Luca Vicentineformer director of the company Oil in Friuli Venezia Giulia who was on top for a few weeks itoc, the global trade union federation (representing more than 200 million workers). Among the disputed charges are “criminal organization”, corruption And the Money laundering.

The newspaper predicted the news of the investigation le bracelet It is weekly Stabilizes. leaders Socialists and Democrats, of which Panziri was a member until a few years ago, urgently met in the afternoon. The investigations allowed the investigators to obtain 600,000 euros in cash. Computers and mobile phones have been seized and will be analyzed as part of the investigation. This process relates specifically to Parliamentary assistants who work in the European Parliament. Among the people who were questioned was also a former European parliamentarian. Five hundred thousand euros Cash kidnapped Found in Panziri’s house. According to several confidential sources, Dr ilfattoquotidiano.itAll agree, the arrested are all Italians: in addition to Panziri and Vicentini, the arrested and interrogated are Francis GeorgeBanzi’s former parliamentary aide. The fourth person, according to local media, is Director of an NGO. These are very active figures in human rights associations. Panziri himself, who has not been a member of the European Parliament since 2019, is president Fight impunity that promote “the fight against impunity for gross violations of human rights” and international justice. Among the buildings that were inspected there was also the assembly building.

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The investigation launched in July 2022 by the Belgian authorities and coordinated by the Federal Prosecutor’s Office is an investigation that could lead to An unprecedented earthquake Inside the buildings of European institutions. condition corruption And the Money laundering Which, if more manifold relationships are shown with other political advocates sitting between the Eurochamber’s benches, would risk undermining the credibility of the institutions themselves. Investigators suspect that A Gulf state Seeks to influence the economic and political decisions of the European Parliament by paying large sums of money or making large gifts to third parties who occupy an important political and/or strategic position within the European Parliament. Belgian newspapers identified the accusation, which was not mentioned QatarHowever, many informed sources mentioned who exactly paid the bribes Doha. Their goal while matches world Cuphe could have specifically defended the legality of the competition from accusations Violation of human rights and gods labor rightsconfirming the alleged progress of the Qatari monarchy.

It can show more information about the structure of the organization from the analytics Computer equipment and gods phones Investigators caught them during raids involving parliamentary aides linked to the group Socialists and Democrats And, in one case, Al European People’s Party.

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