Saturday, July 27, 2024

Richest ranking updated to 2022


As the rest of Italy sinks behind the economic storm caused by the pandemic, with ups and downs as in a rough sea, Italy’s richest are doing well. there okay 13 new billionaires In Italy in Forbes’ updated list of the world’s richest men, some of them owe their fortune to the still ongoing health crisis.

We know very well that while 400,000 households plunged into poverty, the wealth of the super-rich increased by 56%, reaching 185 billion euros. In Italy the data was collected by Oxfam, a few days after receiving the letter from World Economic Forum Millionaires are required to pay more taxes.

Here are who are the richest in Italy according to Forbes and new entries for 2022 in the Italian and world rankings.

Ranking of the richest in Italy (updated to 2022)

The top positions do not offer many surprises and the leading names in Italy are also high in the world rankings.

here the 10 Richest People in Italy:

  • 1. Giovanni Ferrero – the richest in Italy and 40th in the world;
  • 2. Leonardo del Vecchio – the second richest man in Italy and 62nd in the world;
  • 3. Stefano Pesina 3rd in Italy and 234th in the world.
  • 4. Massimiliana Landini Aleoti – the first woman in classical music in Italy and 256th in the list of the richest person in the world;
  • 5. Giorgio Armani – fifth in Italy, stops at 323 in the world;
  • 6. Silvio Berlusconi Sixth in Italy, 327th in the world rankings.
  • 7. Augusto and Giorgio Perfetti It ranks seventh in Italy.
  • 8. Piero Ferrari – 8th place for pony, 705 positions far from the top of the world;
  • 9. Gustavo Dinegri – according to the world ranking, she was ranked 550;
  • 10. Luca Garavoglia 680th in the world and the last in the top ten in Italy.
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The new billionaires in Italy: who they are and where they stand in the ranking

They are included in the Italian ranking of the richest people (billionaires) 13 new people.

Here are who they are and their positions:

  • 22. Alberto Bombay – With a fortune of 2.6 billion, founder of the brake systems company Brembo Enter the category
  • 24. John Elkann – With 2.2 billion heirs, Gianni Agnelli occupies 24th place and enters the rating of billionaires in the world;
  • 26. Miuccia, Marina and Alberto Prada – with 2.1 billion (only sister Miuccia Prada has assets of 5 billion);
  • 29. Sergio Stefanato – Pharmaceutical glass vial manufacturer rated with assets of $1.9 billion;
  • 33. e 34. Juliana and Marina Caprotti – Entry thanks to the expansion of the Esselunga brand by 1.6 billion;
  • 35. Barbara Benetton – with 1.6 billion;
  • 40. e 41. Antonio and Emma Marciglia – with 1.3 billion;
  • 45. Nerio Alessandri – 1.1 billion thanks to the boom in home gyms;
  • 47. Simona Giorgetta – in a billion;
  • 37. H 48. Andrea and Diego Della Valle – With 1.6 and 1 billion dollars, they closed the order of new entrants.

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