Saturday, July 27, 2024

Reopening of schools, Drake: “All students in the classroom from April 26” – Chronicles


Rome, April 16, 2021 – Will be returning to school from May 26. Prime Minister Mario Draghi, In Press conference on reopening. In short, the school front is a priority for the primary Reopening. Today is the day Color change of regions And ISS New data from Rt In terms of region.

School, Intervention of Tracy

“With prudent optimism and optimism we can see the future – explains Drake – there is a change compared to the past: outdoor activities and schools are given priority”. He then points out: “The government has taken action Reasonable risk, Data will be improved. A risk based on a precedent: actions such as the duty of masks should be observed “.
The Prime Minister also talks about finance: “allocated for the reopening of schools.” 390 million for the public transport project Local, 50% limits to be implemented with regions, but a lot has been done. One more part needs to be spent, and then we will go to the state-regions and listen to the initiatives of the regions. “

And Minister of Health Roberto Speranza He adds: “In this case, the first place we decide to invest is the school. From now until the end of the lessons, the idea is that it is possible in all the yellow areas and in all the orange areas. There is a return to schools of every order. The government also considers school as a fundamental structure of our community. “

Guild: Time is very tight

“I do not know The times are very tight The Teachers’ Guild responds after the Council President’s communications. “Considering the course of epidemics in other European countries, such as France and Germany, underscores the Guild – it is necessary to proceed with caution”.

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However, the school unions – Sigil, Sisil, Yule, Snols, Gilda, Anif and Anf – Education Minister Patrigio Bianchi was summoned this afternoon As Prime Minister Drake and Minister Speranza announced at the press conference, we can talk about the reopening of all schools in the yellow and orange areas.


Undersecretary of Education Barbara Floridia, in anticipation, spoke about May 3 and underlined: “They must Go back to class All female students and alumni. It seems to me the logical consequence of the work that has begun in recent weeks. Finally we are talking about re-opening several functions, e That school, Which is a priority and it is logical that it will reopen on the first day High school children They are in Dad. This is what I have always heard, so I am satisfied that we are moving in this direction. It is important for all students to have at least the last month of school in attendance, both at the academic level and above all psychologically. “


This idea also raises doubts about times among principals. “It simply came to our notice then. The possibility of doing that It also depends on traffic. I don’t know how it will be done To achieve these conditions, “said NPC President Antonello Giannelli while speaking about the school in the presence on May 3. Then there is the theme Screening with a fast cloth: We have no news. “Reopening all schools” seems problematic with these difficulties, but you have to listen to what CDS has to say. We hope to reopen, but the problem is possible, we have no information on the conditions, we will see “.

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