Saturday, July 27, 2024

Policies on transport, waste, greenery and environment projects, comparison


Implemented efforts to provide green services, waste management programs, social services and cooking tips to improve mobility and public transportation. All problems must be solved for those who aim to manage capital. In fact, there are also issues with the election campaigns of two candidates running on the ballot, Enrico Michetti and Roberto Qualteri.

Comparative proposals on greenery and the environment

Greenery and the environment: This is the current situation

Enrico Michetti, for the capital, plans to plant 10,000 “native and symbolic” trees. The center-right candidate’s goal is to create a rotating and pedestrian infrastructure that connects the green areas from Castelli Romani to the center of Rome. Michetti decided to hand over “quality green dots”, “childhood green dots” and “refreshing dots” to private individuals in exchange for managing green spaces and maintaining parks and gardens. In the plan, the center-right candidate sets the goal of relaunching the Denuda de Castel de Guido and the Denuda del Cavalieri by processing zero kilometer products.

Greenery and the Environment: Michetti’s comprehensive plan

According to Roberto Qualteri, one of the priorities in managing public parks is about strengthening the plantation service. At the same time, the former minister focuses on the involvement of citizens, which should be enhanced by the approval of public goods regulations. In the municipalities, on the other hand, considering the greater administrative decentralization, the center-left candidate aims to provide areas of less than twenty thousand square meters under administration. Cochlear implants include cochlear implants, which form part of the “Emergency Plan Implementation Task Force” to combat the parasite that infects pines. On the other hand, with regard to interventions made to maintain vertical and horizontal green areas, the center-left candidate has predicted the intention of believing in “single deals” in the plan.

Greenery and the Ecology: A Comprehensive Plan for Qualdieri

Comparative proposals on waste management

Waste in Rome, this is the current situation

To improve waste management, Michetti aims to achieve 65-70% separate waste collection. As for plants, its plan refers to the implementation of the fourth line at the Asia plant in San Vittorio and the “development of the next generation plants for the production of hydrogen and biofuels.” It also aims to double the number of collection centers, and among the innovations is the idea of ​​adopting the system from the “plastic road”, which focuses on the use of recycled plastic to create lanes, roads and sidewalks.

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Waste Management: Michetti’s Comprehensive Plan

In his plan, Qualdieri aims to bring the individual collection to more than 50% and between 65 and 70% within the first two years. The center-left candidate plans to provide Rome with consecutive systems and reduce TARI by 20% in 5 years. In detail, the former minister plans to build a maximum of 3 tablecloths, along with 1,000 tonnes per day unaltered and to issue tenders for two composting plants. In the medium term, the center-left candidate wants to increase collection centers, bring in one for every 50,000 people, strengthen the McCarthy factories and build a new DMP to close one Roca Sensei. Qualtier 2 also plans to build service areas. The former minister’s plan also mentions the “employment agreement” with the Ama staff and the creation of the “Ama de Municipality” with 15 company divisions and area managers. Restoration of the cleaning and collection service is also planned for abnormal cleaning. Objectives, the latter must be achieved immediately.

Waste Management: Comprehensive Plan of Qualdier

Comparative proposals on transport and movement

Transport and Movement: This is the current situation

In terms of movement, the center-right candidate has predicted a “marshal plan” worth 250 250 million a year for 5 years to restore 6,000 km of roads and protect the cobblestones. With regard to traffic and especially Attack, he wants to put it in public, expecting Mikey to be the “conductor” return “comer and guarantor”. In terms of rail transport, the plan marks the closure of the railway cycle and the transfer of responsibility for the municipality to Roma Lido. For the development of the underground network, it wants to build terminus beyond GRA, which is associated with the creation of transfer parking spaces. It then aims to expand C to Sand Andrea Hospital and provide an extension to Torrevecia and Castellotti. There is also a B1 to Porto de Roma and Castle B to the Castle Monastery to the north and Chechnya to the south.

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Transport and Movement: Michetti’s Comprehensive Plan

Roberto Qualteri addressed the issue of mobility through a series of interventions that must be provided for “at least 20 locations in the first 100 days” to implement a plan “with an annual and verifiable deadline”. To create a “highly efficient and sustainable” movement system, the former Minister first focuses on the new integrated management of the mobile system “Partnership with ASTRAL and COTRAL” Our idea service called “Iron Maintenance”, integrated system stations of railways, subways and tram networks Intermediate Turned into centers. ” It is planned to focus on the intermediaries created by the restructuring of traffic, the expansion of new transfer parking spaces, the expansion of sharing even in the suburbs, the systematic removal of abandoned vehicles and the diversified pricing of paid parking. It aims to “give taxi and NCC a new role” and announces the purpose of defining “new rules for urban freight logistics” in order to make the sector more efficient, in line with the operating needs of citizens.

Transportation and Movement: Qualtier’s Comprehensive Plan

Comparative proposals on social services

Social Policies: This is the current situation in Rome

Michetti refers to the election program as a “childhood program”: a control room for monitoring and programming educational and school services for families and working women. It wants to give “residents priority” in accessing social services and re-implement the “Solidarity Schools” program, which is dedicated to teaching ghetto classes, as well as Italian, cultural mediation and civic education. In terms of solidarity, it offers to create a community register for the help of the most needy people. Like other candidates, it focuses on co-housing to “defeat poverty and social exclusion” and aims to engage the elderly in socially useful jobs. At the Disability Front, it has announced plans to establish “Foundation” and “After Us” branches on its agenda and, in the project, pave the way for the exit of the family unit of citizens with disabilities.

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Social Policies: Michetti’s plan in detail

Roberto Qualteri needs to restructure the Citizens Welfare System. To do this, the center-left candidate predicted a “new social order plan” that would balance the provision of social services in the city and strengthen the social spending capacity of municipalities. The former minister has promised to focus on “an excellent plan to improve the aging elderly”, co-housing-related programs and measures to prevent the isolation of the elderly. In the election program, Qualteri also mentions “independent career plans that provide employment opportunities for people with disabilities.” It has also provided for the establishment of branches of citizenship that support interdependence and integration between different cultures, against discrimination. The center-left candidate is considering creating a new agency for housing policies and implementing tools to access first home mortgages.

Community Policies: A Comprehensive Plan of Qualtery


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