Friday, July 26, 2024

Govt, OK to new order: Goodbye to green bass and masks from May 1st


Through the green pass on the metro, tram and bus

From April 1, tram, metro and local buses will no longer have to have a green pass. Until April 30, only long-distance traffic is required to show it. From April 1, holders of public offices, shops, banks, post offices or tobacco vendors will no longer be required to have at least a basic green permit to enter.

Stop isolating and daddy only for affected students

Not only that. As expected in recent days, from April 1, the roadmap drawn up by the government to facilitate anti-Govt. So, at school, Dad would only be there for those infected.

Goodbye Cts and Commissioner: The Framework on Safety and Later Health

Also, from April 1, Italy will no longer have a Covit emergency, resulting in the expiration of the CTS and the Extraordinary Commission. In their place, a temporary task force should be created, first in the Ministry of Defense (until December 31) and then in the health (from January 1, 2023) to complement the interim and complete the vaccination campaign.

The masks must remain indoors until April 30th

The duty to wear a mask indoors has been extended until April 30. The current rule on wearing masks will continue to apply. Therefore, Ffp2 will continue to be mandatory on public transportation, in theaters and theaters.

Super Green goes into the house until April 30, Stop for foreigners

Until April 30, it will be mandatory to dine at home in restaurants, attend health centers, playrooms, discos, cinemas, theaters and indoor concerts, and attend congresses and sporting events. Holidays resulting from civil or religious ceremonies (baptisms, communions, weddings), always indoors.

See also  At the end of the week, a large anticyclone returns after almost two months »


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