Saturday, July 27, 2024

“On the Roof Classes for Foreign Students”. A new law comes after the Pioldello case


Maximum ceiling Foreign students In school classes: The Ministry of Education and Qualifications is drafting an interim law. A path that starts from the need to integrate foreign children with high high school dropout rates has already been mentioned by Minister Giuseppe Valditara. A very delicate topic that has been open for years.

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Controversy that has hit the Iqbal Masih Institute in Pioldello, near Milan, after it decided to suspend classes to coincide with the end of Ramadan on April 10, does not appear to be unrelated to the initiative. The school's decision, approved by the school board, was made to accommodate students of Muslim origin, who represent 40% of students at the Pioldello school. The Minister of Infrastructure, Matteo Salvini, also intervened in the case and, in an interview with Porta a Porta, launched a proposal to limit the attendance of non-Italian students: “We need a ceiling for foreign students – announced Salvini – 20% per class.”

And he added: “When you have a lot of kids who speak different languages ​​and don't speak Italian, it's confusing. Check availability of children. 20% of foreign children in a class are motivated, but when Italians are 20% of children in the class, how can a teacher explain?”. So yesterday the Minister of Education and Qualifications, Giuseppe Valditara, returned to the topic, highlighting important issues and the need for real integration in schools: “Written in the Constitution If foreigners agree to integrate basic values ​​- he explained. In a post – if the majority of the classes are Italians, if they study Italian more seriously where they don't already know it, if history, literature and literature are taught in depth in schools, this will happen much easier. , art , Italian music, if the parents were also involved in learning the Italian language and culture, they would not live in separate communities. It is in this direction that we intend to go,” he said.

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The work for this has already started. Valdithara has actually decided to go ahead with a law in this direction, therefore binding on all schools, which would indicate the most suitable upper limit for the classes. So 20% is still undecided. Valditara Road is also in his “School of talent” book, in which the minister, with data in hand, highlights that the school dropout rate among non-Italian students is 30% compared to 9% of Italian students. Valditara, in recent days, proposed to support the courses of foreign children who show significant deficits in the knowledge of the Italian language at the beginning of the school year, in training classes or afternoon courses that reinforce the non-compulsory language. The issue is an old one, so for Valditara it's about children who don't speak Italian. Pioldello's case is another matter, in which President Sergio Mattarella also expressed his opinion and Vice Principal Maria Rendani invited him to the school: “I received your letter and read it carefully. Thank you – President Mattarella – I want to tell you that I appreciate you very much, as well as beyond a chapter , is of great importance, and I appreciate the work that the teaching staff and institutional bodies accomplish. A precious and particularly demanding task.”

In fact, the issue of cap on the presence of foreigners in classrooms is a topic that has been debated for years and it mainly affects specific regions of the country. In 2010, the then Minister of Education Mariastella Gelmini issued Circular No. 2 on January 8, after the attendance of non-Italian students at the Carlo Pisacane school in Rome exceeded that of Italians. 30% of foreign students in elementary, middle and high school classes. However, regional school offices may derogate from that ceiling based on the actual linguistic abilities of individual students. Not only that, in many cases the presence of foreigners simply reflects the residents of the area where the school is located. Therefore, numbers in hand, percentage allocation is not easy to apply. In fact, the Pioldello school is one of several places where the presence of foreign students is significant: the whole of Lombardy represents the geographical area with the largest presence of non-Italian students. Suffice it to say that it has more than 25% foreign students from all over Italy. Following, among the regions with the highest percentages, are Emilia Romagna, Veneto and Piedmont. In fact, these are the areas with the highest immigration rate, linked above all to the high possibility of finding work.

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