Saturday, July 27, 2024

MEF data on IRES and IRAP returns for tax year 2021


MEF provides data from IRES and IRAP declarations for tax year 2021. Image also shows use and amounts related to ACE, Aid for Economic Growth, and Patent Fund

Published by the Ministry of Economy and Finance Data on IRES and IRAP announcements “relative all”Tax year 2021.

In the Press release No. 29 On February 29, an image was presented that is not entirely up to date but offers different insights especially about Franchises used by businesses and communities.

to'Economic Growth Aid, ACE, It was used by more than 373,000 companies, an increase of 13.7 percent compared to the previous year. The volume of deductions due amounted to 30.2 billion euros, more than 58 percent of what they were in the 2020 tax year.

It appears from the 2021 statements that more than 1,300 companies used the old regulations for Patent FundWhile the largest discount of 110% was used by 626 people.

IRES and IRAP returns for tax year 2021: MEF data

With the Press release No. 29 On February 29, MEF presented IRES announcements data and IRAPRelated to the 2021 tax year.

The declarations taken into consideration are those submitted during the years 2022 and 2023.

In fact, the press release confirms the following:

“It should be borne in mind that the tax data also takes into account joint-stock companies whose tax year does not match the calendar year, and therefore for these entities the 2021 tax period ends in 2022.”

Photography also takes into account the data obtained from Income Model – Non-Business Entities.

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the IRES declarations for joint stock companiesWith regard to the tax year 2021, by 3.2 percent compared to the previous year. Among joint-stock companies, they are most used by limited liability companies: limited liability companies account for 91 percent of the total.

in general, Declared business income is the following:

  • 60 per cent of people declared business income relevant for tax purposes;
  • 33% declared a loss;
  • 7 percent closed the year at breakeven.

Overall, tax income increased by 33 percent compared to 2020, reaching i 216.7 billion euros.

The MEF statement explains:

“In 2021, joint-stock companies declared a taxable amount of approximately €170 billion (+31.3 percent compared to 2020 and +14 percent compared to 2019) of which approximately €116 billion through the income model and approximately €54 billion through the consolidated income model. “

Taxes are divided as follows:

  • taxable Regular taxes The equivalent of 27.6 billion euros;
  • Regulated tax Tax consolidation It equals 12.9 percent.

The MEF press release also provides data on IRAP returns filed in the 2021 tax year.

Topics presented like this Formulations A slight decrease from the previous year by 0.6% Odds are 3,333,952.

The declared tax for the year 2021 amounted to 26.2 billion euros, a growth of 16.6 percent compared to the previous year.

the Comprehensive tax base is found to be equal to 503 billion euros.

MEF – Press Release No. 29 dated 29 February 2024
Mef: IRES and IRAP filing data for tax year 2021 has been published.

From ACE to Patent Fund: Using Benefits by Businesses and Communities

Yesterday's data from the MEF is interesting above all because it provides a snapshot of some events Benefits used by companies and businesses.

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Among these aids is ACE, which is aid for economic growth, which was canceled under the 2024 budget law.

In general, the joint stock companies that benefited from Ace are: More than 373,000An increase of 13.7 percent. The total amount of discount due was equal to 30.2 billion eurosA clear increase compared to 2020: 58.4 percent.

The press release also announced the following:

“The previous surplus related to the previous year, equivalent to 12.4 billion euros (+15.7 percent compared to 2020 and +13.9 percent compared to 2019), relates to more than 110,000 companies, while the amount of unused withholding in the year that can be carried over to… Subsequent years equal to €16.7 billion (+34.3 percent compared to 2020 and +48.1 percent compared to 2019).

An increase in the use of the subsidy may indicate the effectiveness of the measure for companies, even though it is no longer usable.

Another interesting element in Composite image provided by MEF This is related to the Patent Fund data.

A preferential tax regime was used for holders of protected intangible assets and intellectual property assets More than 1,300 companies. Generally the amount used with Old franchise i arrived 2.7 billion euros.

Compared to the previous year, a decrease of 12.4 percent.

The new patent box system, with a 110 percent increase in discount, was used by 626 people, versus The total amount is 521 million euros.

I 45 percent Of the amount is concentrated in Manufacturing Department.

In addition to the benefits, data on tax breaks is also provided, which can be consulted MEF Financial Management Portal.

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