Saturday, July 27, 2024

Italians aim to save more


4 minutes

Soul Watch: Increases the desire to create a safety reserve. However, the future looks less gray. The tendency to invest is stable and sustainability is in the center

To return to spending, especially travel, but also to save more in order to ensure a safety reserve and for emergencies. Italians’ reaction to a year of pandemic and intermittent lockdowns is all in these two statements, clearly leaving them with a desire to return to old, carefree habits but with a lifeline in the event of new critical issues.

This is what emerged from the spring 2021 edition of the six-month Anima Sgr observatory, created in collaboration with Eumetra, and which aims to analyze the financial behavior and saving habits of Italian families. The survey was conducted in March, exactly one year after the pandemic began, on a sample of 1,030 “bankrupt” adults, i.e. current account holders with access to the web, representing about 35 million people (52% of men and 48% of women). ), of which 50% are also investors.

save more

After several months of restrictions, with the recent reopening and the beginning of summer, the research shows a huge jump in projects related to the possibility of traveling and going on vacation: compared to October 2020, it starts from 29% to 38% for bankers and from 30 to 39% for investors. Moreover, the project is for emergency savings (for both groups more than 50% of the sample) and the accumulation of a safety reserve (moves from 24% to 33% for the first and from 33% to 39% for the seconds). Among other things, 57% of bankers and 75% of investors answered that they are able to save constantly.

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The future is less scary

Want security, although future expectations are becoming less gray. On the other hand, the discourse at present is different: sentiment has worsened, thanks to the various waves of the epidemic, and therefore, for 74% of bankers and 68% of investors, the context is confirmed as “grey”. Among other things, 86% of bankers and 82% of investors believe that the Covid-19 issue will have a negative impact on the domestic economic situation not only today but at least in the “medium term”. However, looking at the near future, or at the economic situation of Italy in one year, the front of the pessimists is reduced, which accounts for bankers 45% and for investors 36% which decreases further taking into account their personal situation compared to a year ago.

A trend of greater confidence especially on the part of those who, despite the pandemic, were able to save and perhaps even invest and who now feel more safe and at peace in case of any unforeseen events (the front of pessimists has shrunk to 41% of bankers and 30% of investors). So the data still gets better, from perspective, as it travels the mind in a year: down to 29% and 23%, respectively. Finally, regarding the financial solidity of their personal assets, 39% of bankers and 55% of investors consider it very/somewhat strong.

The epidemic remains our biggest fear

As already found in the Fall 2020 survey, the pandemic has also changed the perception of risks that are considered more serious and this applies to all interviewees, in fairly consistent proportions. In particular, epidemics, along with infectious diseases, rank first (among other things, Compared to October 2020, it increased from 63% to 68% for bankers and from 60% to 67% for investors); Immediately after the risk of unemployment and recession is in second place; Financial shocks, climate change, and natural disasters follow in order of severity.

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The tendency to invest is stable

Despite the concerns, the survey once again confirms the flexibility of the tendency to invest: 60% of bankers and 80% of investors said that if they had money to invest today, they would focus on financial products (compared to 29% and 28%, respectively, who would choose real estate). ).

Sustainability at the center

Another impact of Covid is the heightened sensitivity and interest of individuals and companies in more virtuous behaviors on the sustainability front. In particular, the survey highlights that we are seeing an increase in awareness of how the impacts of the planet’s climate are negatively impacting both public health and economies around the world. 70% of bankers and 66% of investors believe, in fact, that a company that defines itself as “sustainable” should care about respect for the environment, not pollution; Commit to fighting climate change (42% and 44%) while respecting employees and protecting jobs (38% and 39%).


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