Saturday, July 27, 2024

From delirium to economics, Meloni government propaganda beats reality :: Blog su Today


More than an authoritative advocate of the majority with a taste for Twiga in support of the government headed by Mr. Giorgia Meloni must have thought that the so-called “baton law”, passed during the first cabinet, was written by a very young punkabbestia under the influence of a hallucinogenic mushroom, fresh from Rave party in Berlin, after a constructive confrontation with his eight dogs. Too excessive to inflict six years in prison for every thousand guests at a wedding in Calabria or in the province of Caserta, someone might have pointed out, revealing their bewilderment to the officials – evidently in a whisper – so as not to bother too much “who wants to do”.

And then, with such a law, for the friends of Casa Pound, things would have turned very bad: at the first public meeting on the reclamation of the marshes, the fascists of the third millennium were expelled from the building in the center of Rome which they had occupied illegally since 2003, with blows clubbed to the shin, by policemen in riot gear; A surreal vision worthy of a Sorrentino film. Not to mention the penalties prescribed by the decree, the forerunner of the emergence of the new executive: between participating in a meeting with fifty-one people and hiding the corpse of the elderly aunt who sold the bare property of the house in the mountains, transitioning to a better life two months after a ski vacation, for the time being the second crime She is certainly more suitable, which is punishable by only three years in prison.

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And so, while the supporters of Lega and Fratelli d’Italia rejoice on social networks to celebrate the end of a godsend for the hated “communist minting”, in the palaces of power there are those who rewrote the law to return it to something very similar to the current one, which, we must remember, is already punishing Invading other people’s property is punishable by up to four years in prison. On the one hand, propaganda will be served as daily food to a part of the electorate, and on the other hand the truth: this will be the aphorism of the Meloni government, made up largely of parties and far-right supporters who have come out of their lands. Natural Habitat – the home of the opposition made of blatant slogans – they would have to clear the specter of Luigi Di Maio, the rising star of Italian politics, just four years ago.

Just shouting

We will have to get used to the announcements of the amazing tax revolutions that will be dismantled when they are explained to us in detail by the accountant; We must get used to the anti-European slogans uttered in Rome followed by warm handshakes in Brussels. Basically, we will have to get used to a government that has to honor Draghi’s agenda and debt obligations (the economy minister is Giorgette, not Tremonti…) and the timing of the implementation of the PNRR projects filling the legislature with business decisions that fill the pages of newspapers for a few days and then disintegrate in Parliament. The rest will be fringe “identity” initiatives such as early reintegration of doctors and health “no facsimile” (including those who led vile processions with participants dressed as Auschwitz extortionists and those who injected dummy doses of the vaccine to get on the green lane..), or procedures The usual demonstration against NGO ships that will enter Italian ports a few days after pretending to close them.

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Meloni, Salvini, and their comrades are well aware that a large portion of their constituents, who read fake news rather than fact-checking, will continue to believe for months that they have been freed from frightening rave parties, after hundreds of years of “unelected” governments in collusion with the electronic music lobby. It does not matter much that with the conversion of the ordinance into a state law, almost nothing will change with respect to the existing legislation: few will read the amendments and follow the parliamentary process. After all, these voters believe that the rave party “Witchtech 2k22”, which has been taking place in Modena in recent days, has been stopped by this government decree. In fact, it ended peacefully, thanks to the work of Mayor Alessandra Camarota and the police, who persuaded the participants to leave the unsafe building. Because public order, in certain situations, can and must be restored in the field by dialogue, and the banishment of batons. In Rome, on October 9, 2021, militants from the far right and “La Fax” attacked the headquarters of the main Italian trade union. For the police it was a defeat ripened in the field, as they lacked the ability to run that field and this procession. The governor of the capital was the current Minister of the Interior, Matteo Bentidosi. Perhaps he was waiting for an ordinance to act.


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