Saturday, July 27, 2024

Draghi gets up and leaves: gunfight with guilds


no agreement between Mario Draghi and unions. This was confirmed by the CGIL Secretary Maurizio Landini: “The meeting between us did not go well. There are some partial and positive answers about reforming the social safety nets. There are 3 billion for us, which is not enough.“. But from the words of the secretary, one cannot comprehend the real atmosphere in which the summit took place, which according to what we know was very tense. The meeting lasted more than three hours and another confrontation was scheduled for tomorrow, denied this. Maurizio Landini on Tuesday evening.

There is no meeting scheduled for tomorrowBut a meeting is scheduled within the G20 of trade unions, said Maurizio Landini. The position was also confirmed by Chief Aoil, Pierpaolo Bombardieri: “Tomorrow we will not meet with the Prime Minister again. it’s wrong. Tomorrow, the “Work 20” meeting will be held in the light of the Group of Twenty with international trade unions and international trade unions

Then the CGIL secretary added: “The government is considering growth that will return GDP to pre-pandemic levels by the end of the first half of 2022. This growth cannot create Risky business. The pension contribution system can only survive if job insecurity is eliminatedMario Draghi seemed very resolute on the path to follow, a position that the unions did not appreciate, as Landini noted: “The government reiterated that it will agree on Thursday to maneuver the Clean Development Mechanism and that this is the ocean. We will evaluate what he will decide, what we have said is clear: if we go in a certain direction well, if they want to deal well with us, otherwise we will assess with Cisl and Uil what to do“.

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“Prime Minister Mario Draghi left the meeting with the trade unions on the maneuver that called this afternoon in Palazzo Chigi for a commitment. The discussion that is now continuing with the Ministers Renato Brunetta, Daniel Franco and Andrea Orlando will resume tomorrow anyway to deepen some specific aspects“, declared Palazzo Chigi, before being denied by both parties on his part about the meeting. On the subject of pensions, the Enlightened speaks of a fact.”hand wrestling“Between the two parties, except that at the moment it is not possible to determine a meeting point. Attendees at the meeting say that Draghi appeared”annoyed“From the flat line of the guilds.

In terms of pensions, there is not even a choice: neither 102 nor 104 there is only an option to allocate 600 million to extend the choice of women and social monkey. There are no answers for those who have paid wages for 41 years contributions Regardless of age, there are no answers to comprehensive repairs neededsaid the leader of OIL, Pierpaolo Bombardieri.


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