Friday, July 26, 2024

Exceptional hatching of Carreta Carreta turtles in Jesolo


Garrett Carreta turtle eggs laid on the beach of a well-known seaside resort two months ago on Wednesday evening in Jesolo, Veneto. Although the carrot usually lays its eggs in various parts of the Mediterranean and Italy, this is the first time their hatching has been observed in these latitudes. The causes of this exceptional phenomenon have not yet been analyzed, but a widespread hypothesis among scientists is that climate change is associated with the warming of the waters of the Adriatic region.

Diego Katarosi, Scientific Director of the Tropicarium Park Zoo in Jesolo, He said al படுவா காலை There are nine newborn turtles.

Katarosi was appointed by the veterinary service of the local health agency to follow the incubation method of 82 eggs laid in low tide last July 9th. About 25 meters from the water: Over the past two months he has worked with a team of veterinarians from the University of Padua and dozens of volunteers from various associations to maintain and protect the nest, among other things, as a security barrier to prevent swimmers from approaching. .

Catarochi said the turtles hatched from their eggs within 10-15 minutes of Wednesday night at 8 p.m. His job, along with university veterinarians, is to weigh and measure the animals before they head out to sea, at which point he “helps memorize where the beach is because the species is always there. The females return to lay eggs where they were born.

All the animals weighed 12 to 14 grams and their ovaries were about 5 cm long.

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To make it easier for the turtles to enter the sea, the scientists created a corridor of sand: to protect them, and at the same time monitor their path for the first 10-15 meters, they used a red light to avoid disturbing the eyes. , Positioning a white light in the sea to attract them in the right direction.

Katarosi said the local administration had been asked, among other things, to turn off the chick-lit street lights precisely to avoid distracting small things. Following their entry into the sea, biologists and operators of the Office of the Master Master of the Regional Agency for Environmental Prevention and Protection of Veneto (ARPAV).

“This is the nest in the north of the world, a very strange geographical place”, He said Republic Sandro Masariol, Associate Professor of Anatomical Anatomy at the University of Padua and coordinator of the CERT (Cetacean Standing Emergency Response Team), deals primarily with interfering with the irregular fibers of cedaceans. Mascariol explained that Tuscany Carretta had become a “regular nesting site” for Carreta and that it was the northeastern nest ever found in Italy. Besaro, In the Marseille area, in 2019.

At the moment scientists are “trying to shape the phenomenon”, but according to Massariol “the high temperature of the ocean is one of the factors that can explain it”.

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One of the most plausible hypotheses is that turtles have migrated from south to north, where they have found favorable conditions for breeding, based on available food and temperature. After these exceptional nests in Veneto, according to Massariol, “a new policy on the use of different tourism, beaches, it is necessary to begin to think about the significant range of light and noise pollution”.

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