Saturday, July 27, 2024

Election, Leta Day: ‘Ready to Lead’ – Politics


Enrico Letta takes control of the election campaign and officially assumes the “role of leadership” ahead of the party leadership. If it is true that Palazzo will have time to think about Sigi, it is also true that the Democratic Party will be at the center of the line, and “the vote will give a clear result – reiterates Leta – tie is not thought . . the choice is between us and Meloni” . If successful, Letta’s move brings him closer to Palazzo Sigi, but the directorial debut is not a candidate. This issue should be set aside – it is a P.T. Secretary’s justification – because it’s already happening in the center right. “We must reject this absurd debate about the position of prime minister,” Letta reiterates, indirectly responding to Carlo Calenda, who resumes on TV at the same moments: “I am a candidate for Draghi or as prime minister”. To hope to win, the Democratic Party needs forces to work with. “We are the heart of our political program – Leta explains – and then there are the alliances we have to make by the electoral law”. Remember: “Electoral law does not presuppose alliances – he underlines – but simply electoral alliances”. This is the heart of reasoning: we need not a common plan, but a common goal. This is a way to make contracts more agile, especially actionable. Among the interlocutors are Luigi Di Maio and Giuseppe Sala. In the afternoon they meet Leta in Rome. “I will not take part in this competition – Salah clarifies – I am trying to help”. The summit takes place at the Arele headquarters, where the Pd secretary builds alliances: his role is precisely to create a list that also represents the mayor of Milan and the foreign minister. At one point, Letta also met Giuseppe Conte at the venue. Now the relationship with the 5 is buried: “the verdict of the electorate is dull” on them, the Pd secretary underlines.

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Election, Leta: ‘Neither us nor Meloney will have a tie’

“We will be alone – replied Conte – we are the third pole, the third wheel, the third field, the perfect field”. This is more or less the game plan emerging on the center-left at the moment: Democratic progressives and Democratic List, Demos, and Article One vibes like Roberto Speranza are running. Bababili allies: the Action-More Europe list, the Verdi-Italian Left list and the Dabaci list, the democratic center that has already welcomed Di Maio’s formation in the Senate. And Letta also aims to “talk to those who voted for Fi in the last elections”. Former Asuri Maria Stella Zelmini, who heads into action, is also a must-see alliance. Ligurian Governor Giovanni Totti’s moves are still undecided. On the other hand, this agreement seems unlikely with Italy alive. Renzi is at least in dialogue with Calenda, but for now, IV’s president admits, “going it alone.”

In fact, the Democratic Action Coalition isn’t even transparent. After all, Letta notes that “we don’t have very simple interlocutors.” It doesn’t help that the Democratic Party in Lombardy opened up the M5s to the regional population. Action and motion are polar opposites. However, there is often a connection between the Letta and the Calenda. “The road is complicated – says Nazarene – but both are men of companies. They realize that the stakes are very high and the horizon is common”. To be honest, there is some reluctance in the Democratic Party about an alliance with the Calender Snakes. The warnings of Matteo Orfini and, above all, the warnings of Andrea Orlando come in the direction: “We must not self-censor our message to keep the technical alliance,” says the minister. Leta prepares for the race as a pioneer. He won’t be the only one at the top. He will be joined by group leaders Deborah Ceraccioni and Simona Malpesi and two regional leaders: Stefano Bonacini and candidate candidate Nicola Zingaretti. Two popular personalities from different parts of the party.


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