Saturday, July 27, 2024

Compulsory green card back to work for discussion


Districts fear the risk of chaos on October 15th when the Green Pass commitment in the workplace is triggered. One of the concerns that has already emerged and was presented to the government at the last meeting last Thursday that will be taken up again on October 13 at the Regions Conference. To avoid this situation, regions suggest increasing The validity of the pads for issuing the green passport, which is all from 48 to 72 hours And allowing companies to organize themselves independently to carry out tests in the company.

What changes from Friday 15 October

According to the latest Green Traffic Ordinance, as of Friday, all workers, both public and private, are subject to heavy fines if they enter workplaces without certification that they have undergone an anti-viral vaccine or treatment or are not accepted for testing. Not having a green passport would also not be a reason to work from home on smart work, “instead of a service that cannot be performed in person”: unexplained absences that, if not lead to dismissal, would lead to salary suspension and unentitlement to vacations and Social Security contributions.

  • Mandatory green lanes from October 15;
  • Without a green pass, salary, vacation and pension suspension;
  • Entrance scans (or random checks of at least 30% of rotating staff).

A few days after the union came into force, the League’s leader, Matteo Salvini, returned today to demand urgent intervention from the government to “avoid chaos” but from two other majority parties, the People’s Democratic Party and the Islamic Front, the sortie of the Northern League was criticized, and its call not to arouse New controversy. The problem would arise precisely from the impossibility of treating tampons to all unvaccinated workers: in Veneto alone, as Governor Zaia explained, 590,000 would be without vaxes of working age: “Most of those 590,000 will probably not be vaccinated, and after all In all countries, there is a share of skeptics about any vaccination,” Zaya explains.

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“For those who, from October 15, will have to spend a lot of money on annoying tampons to get a green card, I remind you that there is a free alternative: get vaccinated and enjoy the money saved with greater peace of mind.” Virologist at Vita-Salute San Raffaele University in Milan, Roberto Burioni, writes on Twitter.

The Green Corridor effect is over: Three million over 50s without vaccines

Meanwhile, two major events were held for the lack of a green pass in Rome. The protests, which began around 3 pm, took place in Piazza del Popolo and Boca della Veretta. Stationary demonstrations were allowed until 7 pm, and it is estimated that about 10,000 people took part in the demonstration in Piazza del Popolo. “Killers, murderers,” the cry erupted from Piazza del Popolo in Rome, where about ten thousand people demonstrated against the Green Passage. “We want Draghi and Mattarella to resign,” we hear from the stage where the Romanian leader of Forza Nuova Giuliano Castellino ascended.

10 thousand in Piazza del Popolo: tensions and clashes with the police

They were not missing moments of tension: During the demonstration, a protester climbed onto the roof of an armored police car positioned on the corner between the square and across from del Babuino. The protesters then headed to the CGIL headquarters in Corso d’Italia where a group of rioters entered the union headquarters to “occupy” it symbolically with the shout of “No green corridor”. In Largo Chigi, not far from Chigi Palace, the police cordon has been busy containing protesters from the sit-in by exploding several tear gas canisters to disperse the crowd and avoid further clashes. Then the police turned on the fire hydrants from the tanks.

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Another part of the procession completely closed the Ponte Regina Margherita bridge, paralyzing traffic. Among the protesters, some sat on the ground in the middle of the road, holding banners and choirs before leaving.

Ruotolo: “What do you expect to ban fascist organizations?”

Senator Leo Sandro Rotolo writes on this subject: “The fascists in Forza Nuova attacked the headquarters of the CGIL with the heroes of clashes with the police in Rome without traffic or green corridor.” “What do you expect to criminalize loyalty and labour, Forza Nuova, Casapound? They are fascist organizations that must be disbanded,” he comments.


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