Saturday, July 27, 2024

C19 Verification, the app that reads the green pass


Now that progress in the vaccination campaign has finally allowed us to approach at least a partial return to normal, while still complying with the anti-COVID regulations still in place, we can look forward to the summer that is just beginning, thanks to the availability of green certificate (or Green Pass): A useful tool for resuming some of the activities that were halted nearly a year and a half ago due to the outbreak. For validation, you can refer to the application Verifica C19Let’s see what it is and how it works. This is the description provided.

Verification C19 is the official application of the Italian Government, developed by the Ministry of Health in collaboration with the Ministry of Technological Innovation and Digitalization, the Ministry of Economy and Finance and the Extraordinary Commissioner for the COVID-19 Emergency, to enable operators to verify the validity and authenticity of the COVID-19 green certificates issued in Italy by the national DGC platform of The Ministry of Health and European COVID Digital Certificates (“EU COVID Digital Certificate”) issued by other EU Member States.

Green Pass and C19 Verification Application

VerificationC19 is completely free to download on devices Android e iOSStraight from the platforms Play Store by Google e App Store from Apple. Why this? We refer again to the card for the most comprehensive explanation, indicating first the mode of operation.

The VerificationC19 app allows responsible operators to validate COVID-19 Green Certificates and “EU Digital COVID Certificates” by reading the certificate’s QR code. It does not provide for storing or communicating with scanned information. In fact, the application does the verification in offline mode, that is, without calling a remote system service when using it. The certificate validation presupposes that the application can access the backend of the national platform – DGC at least once per day, connected to the European Gateway (DGCG), where all public keys used to sign the “EU Digital COVIDs” are made available. Certificate issued.

The app also does its job in Offline mode, without an active internet connection (however, it must be enabled at least once per day). Once opened, the VerificationC19 interface displays a file “Start Scan” button To activate the camera and frame the QR code for green certificate to analyze.

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The result of the examination appears in an instant, “Valid Certificate” or “Invalid certificate”Accompanied by some basic information such as name, surname and date of birth of the citizen.

Verification C19: Ministry application to read the green certificate (Green Corridor)

The development was carried out in full compliance with the rules governing the protection of aggregate.

The application has been developed and released in full compliance with the protection of personal data of the user and current legislation, in particular the Decree-Law of April 22, 2021, n. 52, as well as European technical specifications approved by the E-Health Network for the EU COVID Digital Certificate (formerly Green Digital Certificate).

In short, these are the steps that regulate Process Verification c 19.

  • The person who has to verify the certificate asks the user to show the QR code of his certificate;
  • With the application, the QR code is read and validated with the public key that signs the certificate;
  • Once the information content of the COVID-19 Green Certificate or the EU COVID Digital Certificate has been decrypted, the application displays the main information contained therein (name, surname and date of birth of the certificate holder);
  • The certificate is validated against the dates stated in it and the rules in force in Italy for obtaining green certificates for COVID-19.

The Ministry of Health determines that The responsible person shall proceed to visually verify the correspondence of the personal data of the owner indicated by the VerificationC19 application and that of the identity document presented by the interested party.

who are Authorized operators To check certificates? Those who belong to the following categories, according to official documents.

  • public officials in the exercise of their functions;
  • Personnel in charge of monitoring entertainment services and displaying activities in places open to the public or in public institutions registered in the list referred to in Article 3, paragraph 8, of Law No. 94;
  • Owners of residence facilities and public institutions to access that require possession of a COVID-19 Green Certificate, as well as their representatives;
  • The owner or rightful owner of the premises or premises where events and activities are held to participate and that require possession of a COVID-19 Green Certificate, as well as their representatives;
  • Managers of facilities providing health, social, health and social assistance services that require possession of a COVID-19 Green Certificate as visitors, as well as their representatives.
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mention it to get للحصول green pass Reliableio . app, a immunity, The بوابة portal And soon too Electronic health record.


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