Saturday, July 27, 2024

All measurements (and dates)


“Restore our community, reopen our economy and allow children to go to school.” This is the feeling that the government yesterday “almost removed” all the restrictions introduced to deal with the emergency GovtGives there above all to eradicate Green bass Starting from May. This was explained by Prime Minister Mario Draghi at a press conference with a taste of a final event. In fact, in ten more days, we will be saying goodbye to the state of emergency introduced at the end of January 2020. So thank you all to Draghi: the Italians (“I’m proud of them”), the previous government and Minister of Health Roberto Speranza, the Technical Science Committee and the Emergency Commissioner Francesco Paulo Figuerolo, whose appointment was a “serious turning point” in the fight against the virus. In fact the latter two will not be operational from March 31st. Capabilities were also redefined in the unanimously voted text and press conference, with Istido Superior de Sanita and the Council of Higher Health taking the baton of the CTS, while going to Ficliulo’s unit. Ministry of Defense until December 31.

Smart work has been extended, with no restrictions until July. We are moving towards the law

Despite the final unanimous vote, everything went smoothly on the CDM, rather the opposite. The landscape of conflict? Travel. Northern League Minister Massimo Caravaglia insisted that the pass be removed not only from hotels but also from bars and restaurants for travelers. An agreement was reached after an hour’s pause around the “basic” pass, which would only be sufficient for tourists to enter the house for lunch or dinner. However, without stopping the tone: “I officially asked the Ministry of Health for $ 500 million for the damage in April.” “I’m curious how he calculated them” Tracy almost teased him, but he opened up with a potential acceleration: “Short time? Let’s see”.

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Speronza hired a limited number of operations yesterday. After clarifying that the withdrawal of indoor masks and green pass from April 30 was “not automatic”, the Minister announced that in the wake of the resurgence of infections caused by the EU Pharmaceuticals (Ema) and various Italian experts, contact isolation will be assessed at the end of the month. That is, only the infected person should be isolated, if positive, regardless of the status of the vaccine. In practice compulsory vaccination was also given to those over 50 years of age. Or rather, it is in moderate form. That is, suspension from work in the absence of the vaccine is no longer expected, but – until June 15 – only a fine of 100 euros. Different talk for vulnerable groups: Health workers, hospitals and RSA staff must have access to immunizations until December 31. However, as for the templates, “We confirm the existing system”. Ffp2 is therefore required in all indoor theaters, all transport equipment and theaters, theaters and concert halls until April 30th. Finally, Green Boss. The Minister explains that “it has been ordered to cross it” in two steps: removing most of the outdoor space (but keeping the basic version, for example long-distance transport), and keeping one reinforced. Indoor activities such as restaurants, swimming pools and spas.

The green pass was reinforced inside the house until April 30th

Until the end of next month, the “reinforced” QR code is mandatory for indoor activities: restaurants and bars (even over the counter), gyms, swimming pools and spas, conferences and congresses, cultural centers and racing centers, any type of banquet (including weddings), discos and Dance halls and all performances.

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Basic certification for transportation, long trips only

In a speech released yesterday, it was made mandatory to show the Green Pass to board planes, trains, buses, ships and boats (excluding regional travel) until next April 30, but only in its version has been established as “basic”. So it can move even after taking the swap.

Trains, Buses, Movie Theaters and Ffp2

From April 1 it is not necessary to have a vaccination certificate to board trams, subways and local buses, but wearing Ffp2 is mandatory. Also, from the beginning of the month, the obligation to have at least a “basic” green permit to enter public offices, shops, banks, post offices or tobacco vendors will expire.

Travel, hotel without pass

Foreign tourists arriving in Italy from April 1 will no longer be asked to show the Green Pass. However, if they want to have lunch at a restaurant that is not a hotel, they have to show a “basic” certificate (unlike Italian residents, they ask for something “fortified”).

Mandatory, only fine for no wax

In part, the vaccine duty has been violated. That means it will be in effect until June 15 for people over the age of 50, health workers, school and security personnel. However, in the absence of the vaccine, suspension from work is no longer expected, but only a fine of 100 euros. On the other hand, for health workers and RSA operators, the opportunity for a shutdown has been extended to December 31.

Commands, turn off the color scheme

Once the emergency is over, the so-called color scheme will expire, as has been widely reported. However – as Minister Speranza noted yesterday – Friday’s monitoring “will continue to study the epidemiological situation, but will no longer be linked to orders to change colors”.

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Dad and contacts, only positives at home

The contact isolation system will be discontinued from April 1. So even those who have not been vaccinated do not need to isolate themselves if they are found to be in close contact with an infected person.
That is, in a school where there are still many unvaccinated students, Dad will become a tool used only by those who have tested positive.

Skills, arenas and scenes are 100% limited

The capacity of the stadiums and all sports facilities or outdoor arenas is 100%. In fact, from next month, the arches and stands will be refilled. With “But”: Until April 30, both “Basic” Green Pass and Ffp2 Mask will still be available.

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