Saturday, July 27, 2024

The Premiership is right to compel the reporter. Reform will soon be in the House


The President of the Commission on Constitutional Affairs of the Senate, Alberto Balboni, will be the Rapporteur of the Casellati Bill in the Premiership, whose process has officially ended in the Commission. The speech can be scheduled in the classroom during the group conference next week on Tuesday. All this after 5 months of work in the commission, 59 inquiries, 1800 amendments, 4 government amendments “taking into account the needs for improvement that emerged from the inquiries”, explain the members of the Fratelli d'Italia of the Constitutional Affairs Commission. Senate, President of the Commission Alberto Balboni, Costanzo della Porta, Andrea di Briamo, Marco Lise, Marcello Bera and Domenica Spinelli. Who remembers: “Some amendments from the minority and an amendment by President Pera were also approved. The vote on the rapporteur's mandate in the Commission represents a fundamental step on the reform path. Due to the favorable vote of the Autonomous Committee and the exclusion of Italia Viva, it is important that the consensus for the proposal goes beyond the boundaries of the government coalition.

According to the majority, it explains that “in prime ministership, greater emphasis is placed on the sovereignty of the citizens, who ultimately choose who will be governed, and there are no inverted or conflicting governments and greater stability with positive consequences for the national economy as well.” The members of the Fratelli d'Italia, the Commission on Constitutional Affairs of the Senate, are Alberto Balboni, President of the Commission, Costanzo della Porta, Andrea di Briamo, Marco Lisese, Marcello Bera and Domenica Spinelli. “The government and the majority – have honored this important democratic exercise with great attention and openness to dialogue – explains Minister of Reform Elisabetta Casellatti – we listened to the opinions of constitutionalists and opposition parties impartially and constructively, welcoming various observations. Put an end to maneuvers, palace games and technical governments, and soon Italians will have their prime minister. According to Pepe Di Cristobaro, representative of the Avs in the Constitutional Affairs Commission, “the vote on the scholar's mandate attests to the political exchange taking place on the shoulders of Italians. Premiership in the Senate, differential autonomy in the Chamber, two provisions that would distort the Constitution and form the basis of a dangerous anti-democratic turn. An 'Italian-style' premiership will not solve any of Italy's problems, nor will it improve citizen participation in politics. It humiliates Parliament and curtails the powers of the President”.

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