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Goodbye free returns, on these sites it will not be possible to return items for free

Goodbye free returns, on these sites it will not be possible to return items for free

An option that may change the world of online shopping: here are the important sites that from today ban free returns

It's still early days, but 2024 can be remembered as a turning point in the world of online shopping. In fact, many sites, among the most well-known and popular with users, have chosen not to allow the practice of free returns: Here are the platforms we are talking about.

Stop free returns for online shopping – (

Free returns offers for consumers Peace of mind of being able to return the product without additional costs, creating a more reassuring purchasing experience. This encourages customer confidence and drives companies to improve the quality of their products. However, we may have to use verbs in the past tense, since there are so many important platforms for online purchases They have chosen to block free returns.

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, online shopping has taken off. It is a habit that has also strengthened in subsequent years, due to the convenience often found in online purchases compared to retail shopping. In recent years, free returns have certainly transformed the shopping experience, providing a crucial incentive for consumers. But to ensure economic and environmental sustainability, Retailers have long been demanding innovative solutions, balancing the benefits of free returns with the challenges they entail.

Goodbye free returns for online purchases

While consumers appreciate free returns, retailers face economic challenges. Implementing free returns policies incurs additional costs, which can impact businesses' profit margins, especially for small retailers. Therefore, retailers have been wondering for some time what the reality is today.

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Free online shopping returns
Goodbye to free returns for online purchases – (

Some time ago, some companies began to explore innovative solutions to make the return more sustainable, first and foremost from an economic point of view, given that costs accounted for approximately 8% of the budget. But also environmentally, since returned products are often destroyed.

today, Major online shopping platforms have chosen to crack down on the practice. Here's who will be banned starting in 2024.

Brand comes Amazon, Zara, H&M, J. Crew, and Abercrombie & Fitch So they decided to say no to free returns. As you can see, these are some of the sites, brands and platforms that users frequently choose for online purchases. Zara starts from the UK, offering a tariff of €1.95 For all those who intend to return what they purchased. Again referring to Zara's choice, In Italy, you have to pay €4.95, but returns are free if you bring the item to the store.