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Sports are psychological therapy, as psychology claims

Sports are psychological therapy, as psychology claims

We all know that exercise can positively impact mental health, but have you ever wondered why? A famous psychologist explains this.

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thats it sports Good for your health is definitely no secret. It affects mental health, as well as physical health. However, it is not always clear to us how this is achieved.

The relationship between physical activity and mental health is deep and multifaceted. in A recent article I published Humanitas Foundation Dr. Elisa Morrone, psychologist and psychotherapist, tried to explain how this connection developed. As he pointed out, this happens regardless of the type of activity a person does. Therefore, it is not necessary to be an athlete to derive psychological benefits from the sport you practice.

Let’s see why, according to the psychologist, sports can be considered real Psychotherapy.

Exercise is good for the mind: find out why

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Many scientific studies have shown that exercise works as one component Mental stimulant For the brain. The release of chemicals such as serotonin and adrenaline during physical activity helps significantly improve mood. Moreover, movement stimulates the production of endorphins, which are the main ingredient Natural painkillers From the body. And so Stress levels are reduced more easily The mood tends to stabilize.

Dr. Morrone explains that the positive effects of sport are not only limited to the individual’s well-being, but also extend to the social sphere. In fact, participation in team sports helps develop characteristics such as: Resilience And thesympathyWhich is also very important in daily life. Physical activity, if done well, can also improve self-esteem and self-confidence, leading to what we might call “Self-affirmation”. In this process, the individual becomes self-aware and comes to know himself, precisely on the basis of what he knows how to do.

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At the level of cognitive development, sports improve concentration And the creativity. It requires mental commitment that allows you to develop problem-solving skills. If practiced within a team, it leads to improved coordination with others, whether in thought or work.

For patients suffering from depressionPhysical activity appears as an important ally. Recent studies have compared the effects of the antidepressant fluoxetine on brain activity with the effects of physical activity. Both have been shown to stimulate the activity of neurons in the hippocampus, improving neuronal function Neurogenesis Thus positively affecting the management of emotions.

Even if exercise cannot be considered a 100% form of therapy, it can be Accompanied by treatments Pharmacological or psychoanalytic to obtain maximum results. Its effectiveness lies in the combination of physical and psychological benefits, which allows you to apply a comprehensive approach to the problem you want to solve.

But remember that when it comes to reducing stress through exercise, There is no universal formula. The amount of physical activity required varies from person to person and from one situation to another. A simple 30-minute walk may be enough for many, but it’s important to avoid excesses and respect your body’s limits.