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"Within 15 days, the point of no return."  What are we going to do with sewage? - Libero Quotidiano

“Within 15 days, the point of no return.” What are we going to do with sewage? – Libero Quotidiano

was missing 15 days To the point of no return: the experts were clear, within two weeksdesertification effect. In short, if there is no shift on the climatic front, this hot and violent weather will take us straight to a disaster with rationing and the extensive use of water tanks especially in northern Italy. Looking around, it seems that the situation is not improving even on the European continent. France and Spain are facing the strongest heat wave of the past 70 years. And now, the alarm went off across our national territory.

The regions that have to deal with the emergency are asking the CEO for Draghi to acknowledge the state of the national disaster. Beyond government support for local administrations to manage the emergency, there is a lack of a structural approach that could prevent what has happened in recent days. To give an indication of how to overcome the crisis, as he put it Newspaperwas in an interview with Republic Erasmo D’Angelis, Secretary General of the Tiber Basin Authority and Central Italy since 2018. The plan for dealing with the current drought emergency is as follows: purification of “wastewater”, to be clear, that of sewage that flows into the sea and then diverted for use. irrigation and industrial. In fact, as is well known, there are two sectors given by drought: the industrial sector and the agricultural sector.

But D’Angelis didn’t stop there. This type of approach, according to the expert, can also relate to bars and restaurants that increasingly need water for their activities. In this period of the total water withdrawn, more than 50% is devoted to agriculture, and 25% to us houses and 25% for industrial use. Now it is up to the sewage systems: will they save us from the Sharon disaster?

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