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Tokyo is going to get rid of some weird rules about how to wear or wear hair at school

By the end of the current school year, about 200 public schools and educational institutions in Tokyo They will spend it Some strict rules regarding student clothing or hairstyle, such as a commitment to have straight and black hair and to wear underwear of a certain color.

These rules are so widespread in many schools in Japan, not just in Tokyo, that they have been debated for years because they have been judged to be outdated and discriminatory. Like many aspects of Japanese society, historically too inward-looking and too vigilant to respect ancient customs, even the rules regarding dress in school are governed not by writing, but by customs and traditions.

These rules were always there, even if they were only applied with increasing frequency between the 1970s and the 1980s: by school leaders it was a way to suppress the moral liberation that was spreading among Japanese youth as well as among young people of everyone around the world. However, only in recent years has it become an issue at the center of public debate. Those who criticize them define it Burakku kousoku (which can be translated as “unfair/unreasonable rules”).

According to many teachers, these rules today are outdated, oppressive and also risk promoting sexual and racial discrimination. One that will be phased out in most Tokyo schools requires students with naturally wavy or non-black hair to dye or provide evidence that this is their natural hair, as this is usually required in school. They have straight black hair. Another related to the ban on having i Shave the hair at the back of the neck and abovea hairstyle that has become very popular in East Asia thanks to the phenomenon of music K-pop.

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Another way is to wear white underwear or underwear in colors that are not easily distinguishable by looking at the uniform. According to an investigation by the Fukuoka Prefectural Bar Association, this rule is in force in about80 percent middle school in Japan; and how He said On national television NHK a student from Nagasaki Prefecture, teachers check the color of linen regularly while the boys change to get ready for the physical education hours.

The decision to change things up was made after many discussions between students and teachers at the institutes of Tokyo. In April 2021, the governing body dealing with education in Tokyo asked 240 schools in the metropolitan area whether some of the applicable rules were outdated or unnecessary: ​​216 of those responded that it was necessary to review them or remove them from all.

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In June, public schools in Mie Prefecture (east of Kyoto) They killed it Various rules are considered too strict and outdated, including those that prevent marital relations between students. Others, especially those related to poetry, have been criticized as potentially discriminatory towards those who do not have the traits typical of Japanese people.

A Japanese court also dealt with the poetry ruling.

In 2017, a student from Osaka with dark brown hair lawsuit in her high school because she was repeatedly asked to dye her black so that she would not be in danger of being expelled; Furthermore, according to three different teachers who examined her hair follicles, it was actually her hair black but she had deliberately dyed it brown.

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Due to the increased pressure, she stopped attending classes: her desk was removed from the classroom and her name was removed from the class record. While she argued that the school did not in fact force her to dye her hair, a court in Osaka decided in early 2021 that removing the girl from the student’s record was a foolish measure, ordering the school to pay the equivalent of approximately 2,500 euros. compensation.