Friday, July 26, 2024

With the construction site of Palazzo Chigi Draghi, Pnrr . ruined


To understand how the real Italy works, far from important buildings, we advise our ministers and prime minister Mario Draghi To go to Palazzo Chigi. Yes, you read this correctly, there are no typos. Minister GiovanniniMinister Franco Responsible for Infrastructures, Minister Giorgetti, which deals with economic development, must take the tenant of Palazzo Chigi by the hand and bring him down to the ground floor of the imposing building. Do you know the entrance you see in all the TV footage? Well, a few meters after crossing it, on the right, there Press room entrance. By eye, with a rather vague memory of press conferences that took place a few decades ago, its area is about two hundred square meters.

Today it is a construction site. Everything is upside down, as it happens on construction sites. On July 15, 2021, parliamentary correspondents were warned: “Dear all, as is known, a few days ago renovation work began to bring the Palazzo Chigi Press Room to a standard level, and it is expected to last the same period. It is a few months old. ” Some colleagues from agencies can still get a small position, but you can imagine in any conditions. At that time, there was talk of a maximum of six months. We are almost a year old and the room is still a construction site in more than rough condition. Since April, the business has practically disappeared. People familiar with the building say (but are they really?) that there will be usual disagreements between companies, others say there are usual expectations for materials.

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In short, that is why the next cabinet must be among those ruins. It will be very useful to our ministers, technicians and politicians alike. That press room wasn’t full of asbestos, it wasn’t a ruin, we imagine it wasn’t abusive or had stacking problems, it’s not for a client who ran out of money, it’s not in a decrepit province of the Italian real estate empire: that room is located in the most important executive building.

Cabinet descends on the ground and convenes at the press room construction site It would give a sense of the impossibility of this country To do even the slightest repair. The ministers who pass us before every cabinet are the same ones who legislate over and under construction bonuses, and they are the same ones who demand the modernization of schools, They are the same people who say we will be able to spend two hundred billion on the recovery plan. But how did Palazzo Chigi’s tenants fail to renovate a room in eleven months and think Italy could be restored there?

The Construction Site Board will understand why construction companies are on the brink of a nervous and budgetary crisis, Minister Kolaw He will realize why he left his digital calls, Minister Singolani He will understand better than he already expected why Mr. Paluku, the one with the biscuits, has a photovoltaic system that works perfectly for six months, but because of the cable, it can’t be connected to the network.

The proposal is simple: “Kobasir” will deal with him with an important investigation for discussion in Parliament. Perhaps there is an infiltration of Russian spies who want to boycott Italian information.

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Nicolas Burrow, El Journal May 14, 2022


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