Saturday, July 27, 2024

What is demyelination, causes and risk of multiple sclerosis?


On March 17, Fedez surprised everyone with a social message saying he was sick. But what is a disease videos ? It is known that the artist suffers from one demyelinating pathology . Here, in a simple way, what it consists of: the fibers of the central system are rolled into one sheath (which contains the medulla, in fact, consists of lipoprotein), which speeds up the transmission of nerve impulses. When something is wrong and it touches the myelin, this transmission can be prevented. It’s a bit like if a wire in an electrical system is broken or failing.

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Only the development of pathology will be able to tell what damage it will be. In fact, the sheath may also be able to regenerate and restore nerve function. But if the damage is very serious, then the course of the disease can be completely different.

How do demyelinating diseases arise and what effects can they cause

Demyelination can be a result of Infectious diseases, strokes, metabolic disorders, genetic diseases or even excessive alcohol consumption . The most common disorder it can cause is multiple sclerosis (about 2 million people are affected in the world), with consequences that can affect the sense organs and movement.

Multiple sclerosis can lead to walking problems Enough to cause paralysis in severe cases. Speech slows and jams, you can suffer from depression. The fact that it affects the nervous system can even affect the control of bladder function.

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Among other demyelinating diseases, Acute disseminated encephalitis, adrenal dystrophy, myelitis optica.

Scientific research is particularly focused on the study of these diseases. Only recently researchers San Raffaele Hospital in Milan However, they discovered a new mechanism that underlies the development of multiple sclerosis. In an article published in the official magazine penny showed that a defect in copper transport specifically leads to demyelination. Thus, a step forward was taken in identifying the causes that lead to these diseases. Their discovery could mean new details for a more effective treatment.


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