Saturday, July 27, 2024

What do you know about donations?


The requirements for obtaining a pension are usually two conditions: one personal and one socialist. The first is reached over time, and the second by payment of contributions to the Pension Fund.

This second requirement is closely related to the labor activity that occurs during life. Whether it is affiliated or independent, it means the obligation to pay the necessary contributions especially for retirement.

retirement without work

However, it is good to know that no one is obligated to work until the minimum contribution requirement is reached. Losing your job or being unemployed after age 50 does not mean that you lose your right to a pension. If there are no payments, they can be repaid voluntarily until the minimum requirements are reached. But even then.

Obviously, you need money to be able to access voluntary payments. The law allows those who remain without work to voluntarily continue payments (for consideration) in the Pension Reference Administration.

This benefit is granted at the request of the insured. In fact, the pension institution gives the possibility to fill in the non-covered subscription periods After making specific charges After determining the amount to be paid based on the reference salary.

Payments account

You can thus retire without working until the end. In practice, with the continuation of voluntary payments, the right to receive a pension is acquired, both at a young age and in old age.

For former employees, payments are calculated by applying the reference salary (last 52 work weeks), the current contribution rate equal to 27.87% for former employees, if authorized until December 31, 1995, and at 33.00%, for subsequent licenses.

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But also artisans, merchants and generally all self-employed and self-employed persons can receive voluntary payments.

The calculation of the amount to be paid is determined by the law that lists the relevant contribution rates based on reference salaries.

Knowing that beneficial voluntary payments for the realization of the right to a pension are not mandatory. Even if authorized by the pension institution, there is no obligation to cover the overdraft period by paying the specified amounts.

However, if this is not done by a specific deadline, which is established from time to time, then the payments will not be accepted and the money will be returned to the taxpayer.


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