Saturday, July 27, 2024

We might have found mushrooms on Mars, and that would be an incredible discovery


As at the beginning of a movie in the 1990s about extraterrestrials, the scientist nicknamed “Space Tiger King” and his colleagues claim that the strange rocks we saw on Mars are actually mushrooms. Contrary to what the scientific community and NASA think. In a ’90s movie, they’d be right, sending out a human expedition to discover more, until they encounter a monstrous species hiding underground. Actually, this is not the case. Let’s try to understand something.

Microbiologist Dr. Xinli Wei from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, astrophysicist Dr. Rudolf Shield of Harvard Smithsonian University and Dr. Rhawn Gabriel Joseph (who is Tiger King) studied images taken by NASA’s Curiosity rover on the red planet, claiming that a small balloon fungus is spreading in car tracks and elsewhere.

The three scientists are not new to this kind of conclusion. In April 2020, they published a similar study in Research Gate, also on Martian mushrooms.


“During its mission to Eagle Crater in the Meridiani Planum (a plain at the equator on Earth), the Opportunity rover photographed thousands of mushroom-like formations, lichen with slender stems and globular hats clustered together in ancillary colonies and protruding from the tops and sides of rocks,” reads a 2020 document that It has, however, not been subject to peer review. “Those on the upper sides were often directed en masse, across hats and stems, in an upward angle similar to that typical of photosynthetic organisms.”

In 2014, Joseph asked NASA to examine what he believed to be a living creature but turned out to be a rock. It is also for this reason that the three are not well appreciated by the scientific community, and have expanded on statements that are never supported by empirical evidence and only by photographic observations and “intuition.”

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In their The most recent study They attached 40 photos to support their claims. According to them, the dark channels of Mars that Curiosity saw are evidence of black fungi, molds, lichens, algae, and other sulfur-reducing species. NASA said these huge channels are the result of the seasonal thaw of carbon dioxide. And the three “rebel” scientists added that mushroom colonies could survive there.

Despite everything, the team admits that the similarities in morphology are not evidence of life. But they’re still convinced that there are important implications for believing this.

“It is well established that a variety of terrestrial organisms live in conditions similar to those of Mars,” they explained in their article, adding that “almost all scientists who have researched current or past life on Mars have reported positive results. Surprisingly, there have been positive results.” There is no life on Mars. ”

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