Saturday, July 27, 2024

Vachini, a race for youth. Intensive treatment is on the rise


Three million Students Being vaccinated is an important part of a potential duty Green bass For teachers and all difficulties in public and non-public transport. Exactly one and a half months from the start of the new school year, most doubts regarding returning to class in September are still unresolved. The resumption is a turning point in the presence of “if not” announced by Education Minister Patricio Pianci.

Vaccination, three million more students are waiting

School, Cardabellotta (Gimbe): “Vaccine protection in 4 months only”

Vaccines in Lazio, Pediatricians on Vacation Case: Only open days for young people

The Regional, Control Room and Ministers Conference is expected to dissolve the last reservation on Thursday, August 5, next week. To do this, however, it is necessary to take into account infection rates and bedside occupancy rates in normal wards that have begun to intensify treatment and increase (+ 1% on a weekly basis, 3% nationally). Will soon touch the critical threshold of 10% Therapy is serious And 15% in normal fields, but in any case must be carefully monitored. Especially Sicily (already 9% normal and 5% intensive care), Calabria (4% and 8% intensive care), Lazio (5% intensive) and Sardinia (7% intensive and 5% intensive care).


Not surprisingly, the protection afforded by vaccines in combating the severe forms of Govt 19 is, after much controversy in recent days, the author’s hypothetical vaccine duty. It is a path that has already indicated that he is ready to accept it with the support of Prime Minister Mario Draghi, Minister Speranza and the vast majority. To avoid unnecessary political imbalances, new numbers will be waiting for the Immunity School operators where Emergency Commissioner Fikliuvolo’s organization works before making a decision. The 220,000 non-vaccinated individuals not mentioned in the weekly report are controversial by regions they believe are very low. An event that eliminates the need for government to impose itself. However, if the current numbers are confirmed, the issue will inevitably return to the table. The most popular hypotheses are to start in the second half of August and reach the minimum limit (90 or 95%) at the beginning of the year. If the finish line is not centered, padding will be triggered.

In the second half of August, at least in this area the Green Pass for trains, planes, buses, boats and ships should be further extended, in the interests of the regions where the Palazzo Siki are pressed. The reason for the wait is obviously different: the new measure should avoid immediately affecting the troubled tourism sector.

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Various talk related to local public transport. Buses, metros and trams do not require a pass, but, as requested by the regions, their capacity should be increased to 80%. An event that governors expect will be adopted and approved at the next CDM. Because? Presence to encourage resumption of school. “It’s clear that countless buses can not be placed – Emilia Bonachini’s leader replied to those who asked if it was not safe to increase the number of means – because in some places they do not do so.


However, on the other hand, governors are also emphasizing the need for students to be vaccinated so that returning to the classroom does not turn out to be a brief appearance, as happened last year. At this time, despite the goal of achieving 60% of the vaccine before returning to the Ficluvolo class, about 3 million of those vaccinated between the ages of 12-19 are still missing. This is 65% of the very young Italians, and these areas are now decisively targeted. In Sicily, for example, where the vaccine rejection rate is very high, young people can be vaccinated without a reservation. In Logio (starting tomorrow, for example, in Colefero, Monterotonto and Tivoli) and in Piedmont, there is already a way to go to a kind of open day. Lombardy will do the same but since August 23 (almost 45% have already been vaccinated).

Tuscany, on the other hand, has approved a strategy to reduce the administrative time under 18s. Unlike adults, they wait at least between one dose and another (21 days for Pfizer and 28 days for Moderna). Abruzzo for its part, in the first moment of administration to the youth, actually chases them, bringing camps dedicated only to them to the beaches. On the other hand, Campania has not dissolved its reservation in the systems, but if Governor de Luca has not already reached 70% of immunization students, “schools will not open” and will have to stay in Dad.

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