Saturday, July 27, 2024

Vaccini Covid, Donini: “Astrazeneca, Pfizer, or Moderna: There is no choice in Emilia-Romagna”


Covid-Pfizer vaccines (archive photo)

Bologna, May 10, 2021 – “We have preserved it in the name of Emilia-Romagna 78 thousand doses of AstraZeneca To ensure the second departments of the school staff. “On the type of serum” We have always applied the principle of the government that is Nobody chooses a vaccine alone. We run both
AstraZeneca states that Pfizer is modern: Said Raphael Donini, guest on Timeline on Sky Tg24, Emilia Romagna’s health policy advisor.

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The Emilia-Romagna health advisor also interferes with the timing of the summons: “For the period between the first and second dose of Pfizer.” – He explained – we have recommended exactly what Lazio decided: We are keeping ourselves on a level of safety and we believe so 35 days is the right compromise. “.
The booster can be made for up to 42 days after the first dose. We care about your level of security Doneni repeat – you have more time to give the first Pfizer dose to more people and you have time, in case the doses arrive late, there are inconveniences or simply someone’s illness

The Goal Covid Emilia-Romagna, May 10 newsletter in Emilia-Romagna

“Thirty-five days seems to be the right compromise Between the need for more doses For the first doses – and concluded – and the possibility of getting a few days of recovery if something goes wrong to give everyone the second dose.


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