Saturday, July 27, 2024

Unemployment also begins for show business workers –


Unemployment benefits also reach self-employed entertainment workers. From January 1, 2022, those who carry out activities closely related to leisure and entertainment will be able to benefit from social safety nets against involuntary job losses.

This is stipulated in the Sostegni bis Decree (Dl n. 73/2021) which provides for a form of protection in favor of entertainment workers. The category particularly affected by the epidemic crisis of 2020 and 2021.

Unemployment of exhibition workers

Forced unemployment benefit is called ALAS (Monthly Allowance for Involuntary Unemployment) and is quite similar to a proportional allowance which relates to the general private sector workers.

To be eligible, it is essential that you are registered with the INPS Workers’ Pension Fund (FPLS). The following requirements must also be met at the time of application:

  • have no self-employment or secondary employment relationships;
  • not be beneficiaries of citizenship income;
  • Have accumulated at least 15 days of contribution to the FPLS;
  • not be a pensioner;
  • You have an income related to the calendar year prior to submission of the application not exceeding 35,000 euros

ALAS is not compatible with other compulsory unemployment benefits.

How much is up to him

Unemployment benefit for show business workers who independently carry out activities equal to 75% of income Taxable for social security purposes. This income will result from contributions made to the FPLS in relation to the year in which the last self-employment relationship ended and the previous calendar year, compared to the number of months of contributions.

If the income exceeds 1,227.55 euros per month, then 25 percent For the difference between the average monthly income and the above figure within a ceiling of 1,335.40 euros.

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For this type of allowance, there is no monthly reduction of 3% from the allowance as there is for Naspi.

Duration and application

Unemployment benefits are recognized for show business workers, as in Naspi, for a Number of days equal to half the days of paid or restricted subscriptions al FPLS.

Similar to Naspi, the ALAS application must be submitted directly to INPS electronically or through sponsorship within 68 days of termination of the employment relationship. Unlike Naspi, the maximum compensation period from INPS is six months.

Photographic contributions

As for Naspi, it is recognized for the workers of the exhibition who are aware of ALAS la Relative contribution compared to average monthly income. The maximum salary is equal to 1.4 times the maximum monthly allowance amount of 1,869.56 euros for 2021. This limit is reassessed annually on the basis of Istat indicators.

It must be remembered that the compensation so recognized for leisure workers includes an additional payment of contributions to INPS equal to 2 percent of taxable income. Thus, the financing of the service will be secured by increasing revenue from contributions to the comprehensive service income plan from 1 January 2022.


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