Former President Obama said they were registered.Objects in the sky we don’t know what they are Is that “No kidding at all”. The US Congress is about to present results Pentagon reportOr funded by Trump on unexplained sightings of US military vehicles in recent years. The New York Times, The New Yorker, the famous 60 minutes CBS, they are talking about nothing else. So let’s try to explain the phenomenon of unrecognized flying objects Mauro Piglino, author The Bible is not about God (Mondadori) and Dialogues between aliens (Trigono edizioni) Written with Stefano Polani and Igor Sibaldi. We talked about it in Special #SpinOff AliensFriday 4 June 2021 live broadcast on the channel Youtube From Made by and on FQMagazine Facebook page.
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Ufo, Pentagon: “They are not aliens, but unexplained sightings remain.” Here’s what it doesn’t add
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