Saturday, July 27, 2024

Uber, how much does a driver charge? How to make money without being a taxi driver


How to become an Uber driver and earn: an interesting job for those who are passionate about driving, which can also make a lot of money.

Among the new professions that emerge in the context of upheavals such as work, we find new numbers and above all new opportunities that can meet the needs of young people who want to start with some experience and a few young people who find it difficult to reintegrate, perhaps after being laid off from a company in which they have worked for many years. One such new job is an Uber taxi driver. How exactly does it work and how do you create an Uber? Do you need licenses? How much can you earn with this job? Let’s go into detail in this article devoted to this work.

How does Uber work?

First, let’s find out exactly what Uber is. It is an innovative service derived from the so-called “collaborative economy”, of which AirBnb for example is a part. on the principle, Dedicated websites or apps connect people Service with as many people as possible who demand it: Just like the supply and demand for short-term rental homes operated by AirBnb, Uber caters to those looking for a ride to reach a destination and provides private chauffeurs ready to satisfy them.

Serving born in 2009 in California

With a few clicks, thanks to the app, you request a ride and wait for an Uber response, then meet them at the appointed point. After the service, you can provide positive or negative feedback, just like any community or social network. As a kind of service, it was immediately appreciated since its inception, which took place in 2009 in California and then expanded to European level; This is because it is more practical, faster and cheaper than the service offered by “official” taxis. All who join this project, whether drivers or those looking for a ride, must be pre-registered on the platform; In addition, drivers must meet specific requirements before they are assigned to a regular Uber service.

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Is Uber a real taxi or is it “abusive”?

This begs the question, because in reality the Uber driver’s number may seem disorganized. Especially in the wake of the many controversies raised by “classic” taxi drivers, a category that in the past has seen their monopoly “threatened” by NCC (Driver Ed Car Rental) or by the not always entirely clear rules set by the agency that protect their rights. In fact, an Uber taxi driver, once he has passed the selection by the company, is an operator that provides a service and fully complies with the policy of the California company, as well as with the regulations in force in our country, it is clear if he passed the selection made by Uber during the recruitment stage.

The difference between black and pop

In fact, interviews are planned and the aspiring driver can be designated as an Uber Black, or as a professional, or as an UberPop, i.e. as an ordinary citizen who lends his work. Nothing prevents those who drive Uber cars from collaborating with others and obtaining more licenses. Even the car that the future driver wants to use for the service must meet certain criteria, in fact it must be registered for no more than 8 years, be large to comfortably seat 4 passengers and also have insurance for them in addition to the classic malus premium. In short, everything is regular at that time, and despite the protests of taxi drivers, Uber can do this work in a full legal framework.

The difference with the taxi

This aspect can also raise doubts: how do the services of Uber differ from the services of a “yellow” taxi driver? No matter how to find the driver, or rather an application instead of the phone keyboard, The type of service provided is very similar either way. You can order short or long taxi rides in or out of the city/area. You pay according to the tariff just like the rent you ask from Uber. It can be used to move a few buildings, go shopping, or head further afield. Regarding prices, there are also very important differences: There is no doubt that the cost of Uber is less than the cost of a taxi.

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How to become an Uber taxi driver

As mentioned above, an aspiring Uber driver must be qualified to do the job. Anyone wishing to become a driver for this company must take some basic steps, and fulfill the basic requirements such as:

  • Have not had a criminal conviction in the past
  • Have a driver’s license for at least 3 years
  • Use the exclusive car
  • Take all necessary insurance

Everyone who owns this should do it Register for Uber and apply. One will follow knowledge interview-Formalize the job with regular documentation and clearly get the application to respond to clients. Certain ‘soft skills’ will certainly be taken into consideration, such as Knowing the area And the rules of the road where you intend to work, plus the attitude of working with the public, a lot of flexibility. on Uber There are no timetables and those who travel more earn more, Simply.

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How much will I earn if I become an Uber driver

Business like Uber can be done independently, full-time or intermittently, and since the earning is done by the piece, or based on the number of rides, it goes without saying that those who do more earn more. Small way average around 8-10€, which, however, the 20% goes to Ubes. Except for the cost of gasoline and car maintenance, we can say that uber He earns just over 5 euros an hour. It’s not a huge amount, it’s true, but if you think about the convenience of this work, which can be done as an extra, in the end it’s not that bad.

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The times you earn the most

Moreover, thanks to the application, the applications that “pay the most” are reported. At times, in fact, it can happen that there is a lot of demand (holidays, peak times, events, etc.) that causes the fare to go up; Adventurers can take the ball and earn more. Uber then assigns different categories based on the type of car used: those who own a luxury car provide better service and therefore get paid more.


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