Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Torre Angela, Fire and Explosion via Atteone


First a roar, probably due to a gas leak, and then flames. The fire, which was caused by early morning smoke, arose this morning in the Tore Angela district. Firefighters evacuated the building at Carabinieri and Froscott Company – 136 from Dor Bella Monaco station – and local police, with agents of the Tory group closing the road to a fiery hell. .

Three 118 ambulances arrived via Attion. One of the injured, the owner of the apartment that exploded, was taken to the Great Burns Center at Sant’Eugenio Hospital. Two, less serious ones, were taken to the Castleino Hospital, while the other – a woman – was taken to the University Hospital of Dorverca, where their health is constantly monitored. None of them are life threatening. The other occupants of the building were slightly injured, while they were missing.

Impressive pictures with a wall on the third floor and a part of the balcony burning through the attic. Firefighters (who also rescued a dog), while talking about the “collapse”, said the causes of the fire may have been due to a “gas leak”.

Italcas technicians are also on site: according to what they have learned, they will be the ones who define the causes of the breakdown. Technicians have taken steps to shut off the gas supply as firefighters continue to extinguish the fire safely. The carabiner of the Rome Door Bella Monaco station is investigating the matter.

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Fire via Attion-2

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