Friday, July 26, 2024

Electricity bill? 40% more expensive because of…gas. Vaccines and Green Pass, we are only 70% | first page


Electricity bill plus 40% access yellow jackets?
The next electric bill is 40% more expensive. Because gas costs more everywhere on the planet and more and more electricity is produced through the use of gas. Gas Instead of coal, coal is among the “dirtiest” energy sources ever. The increase in the electricity bill was announced by Singolani, Minister of Environmental Transformation. What is the relationship between environmental transformation and it? It has something to do with it because the transition from coal to gas is only the first step in the ecological transition. Moving that costs and is far from free. There is an idea that the green shift is to replace a diesel car with an electric one (with the help of subsidies and incentives). There is complete lack of awareness and even great silence about the fact that in order to reach emissions-neutral fossil energy sources in the predicted times (and eventually climate breakdown), current technologies and alternative sources are only 25% necessary. The other 75% must come from currently embryonic technologies. In any case, stopping making the environment harmful to humans will cost a lot. When in France it was decided to tax diesel fuel, it became more expensive to drive for those who own this type of vehicle. And there the Yellow Vests self-baptism protest was born. More expensive diesels, more expensive bills, and these are just hints, small examples.

Andreas Georgiou, only among the Greeks or traitor to the homeland.
History of Andreas Georgiou: In 2010 he was appointed President of Elstat (Greek Istat). He has faithfully calculated the true general budget of Greece. The budget has been manipulated. Made up of other officials, from Elstat’s predecessor. Made up on the authority of the government and with the complicity/approval of most Greeks. To prove that Greece lied about its public accounts and thus about the sustainability of its debts, Giorgio was charged and tried for high treason. Sentenced to two years. Again, he was accused of defaming Stroblos (the one who signed the fake accounts). A sentence to compensate for the damage done to the image. Until he is subjected to humiliation, if he does not make a public apology for telling the truth, a fine of 200 euros per day to Andreas Giorgio. Bar of the Greeks or traitor to the homeland?

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Vaccines and Green Pass.
Green Pass from October 10 Green for public employees and private sector workers in contact with the public (restaurants, swimming pools, gyms…).
Great Britain: There is no green lane for anyone. Vaccinated population: 80%.
Madrid: There are no closures, only when necessary, selective blocks of activities in limited areas of the capital. Madrid’s vaccinated population: 88 percent.
Italy: the first doses slowly in recent weeks, in the last 75,000 only. Youngsters are being vaccinated at a rapid pace (1.5 million 12-19-year-olds are not immunized). Over the age of 70, almost all of them have already been vaccinated (only 600,000 have not). The bulk of the unvaccinated and the few vaccinated are in the 50-70 age group (2.4 million absolute unvaccinated numbers decreasing in slow motion). And the age group between 20 and 50 (6.5 million unvaccinated) is vaccinated with the dropper. Total unvaccinated: about 10 million in mid-September. Population vaccinated: just over 70 percent.

Apedeuti 2, full definition.
“Those who are unable or unwilling to pursue a rigorous course of study conspire to distort knowledge, and thus take credit for their ignorance.” Apedeuti, a term coined for this human classification in Enlightenment France, about two and a half centuries ago. The word has almost disappeared, instead apedeuti …


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