Sunday, September 8, 2024

This is a mistake that must not be done in order not to damage the refrigerator


Hot food in the fridge? It is best avoided. Or, however, use certain precautions for food and appliance storage.

Photo by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

It happens so often that you hardly notice it. However, it is a gesture that must be completely avoided, in order not to compromise the food or the device that contains it. If the refrigerator breaks down it will be a serious problem. It usually corresponds to the time when the family is He decides to completely redo the kitchen, Unless (rare case) failure occurred shortly after purchase. This is why it’s a good idea to do everything we can to preserve our fridge, and it’s a useful and expensive tool if one needs to be repurchased.

A gesture was said. It happens, in fact, that in making the recipe comes the fateful advice: Once done, Keep it in the fridge for some time. It can take several minutes but it can also take several hours. Here, one thing that should not be done is to be in a hurry to put the food in a cool place if it is still hot. In this way, in fact, some problems arise that can put our health and the health of the device at risk. Given the importance of both, it is a good idea to be very careful.

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Beware of food: what you do not do to preserve the refrigerator

Cooling freshly cooked foods is an often used practice but it can have negative effects. If on the one hand it slows down the spread of bacteria, on the other hand it can affect other foods and Also turn on the machine. This is primarily due to the condensation that will be created, with the possibility of forming mold that would otherwise be good to have in the container and food container. Basically, a balance will be needed to reduce the bacterial formation of harmful molds inside our refrigerator.

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The solution will be very simple. So much so that we often don’t remember it. In fact, an airtight glass container would avoid a lot of trouble. In fact, the dish will cool down anyway. However, the condensation effect was avoided to influence the cooling effect. A simple and effective strategy, one that should be taken into serious consideration because putting hot food in the fridge is something we often do without proper attention. It would be a shame to waste good food for the sake of lightness.


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