Saturday, July 27, 2024

They will fly with the SpaceX Crew Dragon capsule



The NASA Announced the names of the first two members of the Crew-5 mission that will depart for the International Space Station (ISS) no later than fall 2022. Nicole Man NS Josh Casada They will be the commander and pilot for the mission. The crew will depart with a Falcon 9 rocket from Historic Platform 39A of the Kennedy Space Center, Florida, and will remain aboard the International Space Station for an extended period of time conducting scientific activities.

Mann and Casada will depart on the SpaceX Crew Dragon shuttle. The two were supposed to travel with Boeing’s Starliner shuttle, respectively for a manned flight test and first operational mission, but NASA decided to change plans while waiting for Boeing to fix problems with its space taxi, which remains stable after that. The test launch failed in August. Other Crew-5 mission participants will be announced at a later date.

Nicole and Josh have done a great job preparing the training and path for the astronauts who will fly aboard Boeing’s Starliner spacecraft, gaining experience they will continue to train with the SpaceX Crew Dragon and working on the International Space Station.says Catherine Luders, associate administrator for NASA’s Space Operations Directorate in Washington. “The NASA team is fortunate to have two commercial partners for human flight and will continue to work with Boeing and SpaceX to prepare NASA astronauts and our international partners to fly to the space station on US shuttle flights.”


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