Saturday, July 27, 2024

These three natural remedies are very useful in calming a greasy cough and dissolving phlegm


With the arrival of autumn and the usual temperature changes, it is very easy to catch a cold.
Headache, fever, cough and sore throat are just some of the symptoms of this malaise that tends to overwhelm the mind and body.
To get rid of the first symptoms and nip the flu in the bud, in addition to medication, we can still rely on the classic natural remedies of grandmother.

colossal element

Honey is definitely one of the most effective natural foods for the flu. This sugary substance, in addition to being really tasty, has many elements Useful properties for health.
In fact, honey is much appreciated because it is a loyal ally of memory and the gut. Moreover, thanks to its antibacterial properties, it is also a comprehensive remedy for cough and sore throat.
In the next few lines we will see how to release all its properties to the maximum and use it better against colds.

In fact, these three natural remedies are very helpful in soothing a greasy cough and dissolving phlegm

Grandma’s first remedy is an infusion of cooked apples and honey. In this period, among the best and easiest types of apples that can be found in the supermarket delicious gold, The Renta and the blatant.
But let’s pay attention to the way we store it at home, because Fruit flies are always lurking.

The process of making this wonderful infusion is really very simple. First, wash the apples well and cut them into small pieces. Next, put it in a saucepan and cover it completely with water. Now add a few teaspoons of honey and mix until dissolved.
At this point, we turn on the fire and let everything cook. After about 30 minutes, when the water dries up and the apples soften, we can take the juice and filter it into a glass.

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The properties of onions are incredible

Another natural remedy, which our grandmothers also introduced, is a decoction of onions.
Peel the onions, chop coarsely, and immerse the pieces in water. Now let’s heat everything in a saucepan, until boiling, then let it rest for 10 minutes, covered with a lid.
At this point we filter the liquid into a glass, where we dissolve a teaspoon of honey, to increase the beneficial effects on the cough.

An aromatic plant that we can have at home

Finally, the thymus is also very effective against coughing and phlegm. In fact, this aromatic plant has been used since ancient times to treat infections, joint pain, and colds.
So, these 3 natural remedies that we just mentioned are very helpful for soothing greasy cough and dissolving phlegm.

Even with thyme we can make delicious herbal tea. It will be enough, in fact, to take the flowering tops of the plant or buy some from the herbal store, in supermarkets or from a trusted vegetable seller.
Let’s pour a spoonful of it into 300 milliliters of boiling water and let it soak for a few minutes. At this point, we filter and dissolve a teaspoon of honey, even thyme if we can find it.


Not everyone knows about this amazing plant that is a cure-all for soothing annoying allergy symptoms.

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings in this article, which can be referenced Who is the”)


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