Saturday, July 27, 2024

There is no distance for vaccinated students


Green bass with bench books and backpack in class. The possibility of avoiding distance in classrooms is assessed School Whether vaccine protection is adequate. Italian students have only two months to return to class, and in some regions even less. They can do it. In fact, the risk is that they will find themselves online for the third year in a row. With single-seater desks can only be viewed from a computer screen, while the teacher’s lesson can be listened to remotely. This is not what the Prime Minister wants Drake Moreover, as has been repeatedly emphasized, the goal of Education Minister Pianchi, who wants to see 100% of all students in the class, is certainly not there.

But it will not be easy, the difficulties of the past year will always be the same. High school children who spent the last year of school in excess of the balance, small and far, are having trouble again. Respect for a meter gap, in fact, means that in recent months, changes in the classroom have become necessary. Now this can be confirmed for next September as expected by the Science and Technology Committee. The only solution for experts is in vaccines. Minister Pianchi called on all teachers and students to get vaccinated. Because the only real solution remains the same. But the road is all upside down: 15% of school staff have no wax, frankly, if they haven’t been vaccinated yet, it means they have no intention of doing so. While the percentage between region and region is apparently rising and falling, the situation is not the same across Italy. For students, the campaign is still behind its time, considering they are mostly minors, a School Only boys as young as five years old are required to convince their parents.

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But if the ministry calls for vaccines, it could mean working to open the Green Pass as well Schools: The Technical-Scientific Committee has been meticulously consulted on this aspect by the Ministry of Education and is expected to disclose it in a few days. It is understood that there will be no additional places to implement the distance compared to a year ago, so the vaccination factor may affect anti-Govt rules. Then there is the identification of a vaccine coverage gateway in potential situations, beyond which it is no longer required. It will be a question of evaluating the region on a regional basis, and therefore not on a national basis, because determining that regional realities are very different and that schools are 100% open. For example: If the security gate is marked as 70% and reaches it in Lazio, schools will be opened without distance. May be masked, but without imposing changes in presence and distance.

The calculation should be done on a regional average, but not for every school or single class, because vaccination data is part of privacy protection. For this reason, the pressure on vaccine duty is increasing, and among teachers, they may be suspended from service if they refuse to be vaccinated: as has happened among health professionals. However, 15% of Italian school staff say they cannot suspend because they do not know how to replace those who do not. Or, in any case, finding alternative teachers and guards to bring to class would create the biggest problem.

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It is necessary to play early to come September 1st without last minute flaws. Therefore, the work of convincing the vaccine to be implemented with the help of family physicians can also be useful in alleviating organizational problems. Precisely from an institutional perspective: schools are manipulating seats while waiting to reveal the distance between desks with vaccine protection, precisely because the next summer weeks are guaranteed to be hot.

Accounts, as a year ago, do not add. Local authorities, i.e. municipalities and metropolitan areas, did not make the new classrooms available. Indescribably, from the old, unused public buildings, new spaces were not allocated to students. In fact they did not go out with the then Minister Assolina a year ago.

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