Saturday, July 27, 2024

The world’s first space station


Just a week ago, in the middle of the Mongolian desert, the mission returned to Earth Shenzhou -13the longest mission on the Chinese space station, the Earth-orbiting “heavenly palace”, has been under construction for nearly a year.

Immediately after the return of the first three astronauts stationed in Tiangong-3The Chinese Foreign Ministry announced the departure of a series of international cooperation that will make the Chinese space station the first open to countries around the world.

The world’s first space station

“There are good hopes that the trials will start already before the end of the yearChinese ministry spokesman said Wang Wenbin During a press conference held last Monday.

Foreign astronauts are welcome to Tiangong to contribute to the common progress of the future of mankindWenbin added, noting that the Chinese space station is now ready for a second phase, finally operating.

During the six-month Shenzhou-13 mission, the docks, emergency systems, and the possibility of Tiangong to receive visits from capsules and other units were examined: Six launches To complete its construction in orbit, the Heavenly Palace will be ready.

After divestment from the International Space Station scheduled in 2024Tiangong is likely – for some time at least – the only space station in orbit: it will be in operation for as long as 10 yearsAnd as Weinbein mentioned, it will be so Homeland for all mankind. The Chinese government spokesman said that the exploration of the universe is a common cause of mankind, “and it cannot be achieved without the cooperation of all countries of the world.”

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So, at almost unexpected times, China has committed to a signed program withUnited Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA)which envisions the use of the Chinese space station as a basic building block for international cooperation.

Within the “United Nations-China Cooperation on the Use of the Chinese Space Station” program, 9 international projects were selected, in which 23 institutions from 17 member states To the United Nations, paying particular attention to Developing countries: Astronauts from Pacific countries, North and South America, Europe and African countries will be hosted on Tiangong.

Tiangong: Why do the Chinese have a space station

China’s space station will be the first to open its doors Astronauts around the world. And not only that: The director of China’s human spaceflight program has hinted on more than one occasion that within a decade the Heavenly Palace could be ready to host “astronauts without specific training” – That is, space tourists.

The retrieved statement of the director of the Chinese space station resonates, Bai Linhuo: Tiangong is designed to be inclusive and accommodate astronauts from all over the world. When fully operational, Bai explains, those who wish will be able to dock on CSS aboard capsules provided by the Chinese government or their spacecraft.

The opening of China should not surprise much: since the beginning of its space experiment, CNSA has signed agreements and cooperation with France, Germany, Italy, Russia, Pakistan and international agencies such as the United Nations and the European Space Agency, and immediately signed principles on the peaceful and mutually beneficial use of common development in space.

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Then Why don’t the Chinese cooperate with the International Space Station? The answer comes from the United States Congress: 2011 Virgin Deputy Frank Wolf introduced an amendment, later known as wolf mod, which prohibits NASA from using government funds to cooperate with the Chinese government at any level. Therefore, China cannot participate in the missions where NASA is located.

Thus the Tiangong program began in 1992, and thirty years later China managed to put the fourth permanent station in the history of space exploration into orbit. Before the Chinese, the Americans arrived in low Earth orbit with SkylabIn the 1970s. In 1986, the long Soviet (and then Russian) experiment came to an end. mir – The benchmark station that brought “world” and “peace” to space in one word.

To get to where it was so far The fortress of international cooperation in space: The International Space Station, born from the cooperation of space agencies in the USA, Russia, Europe, Canada and Japan. If progress is the real impetus for space exploration, the Chinese space station will open a new chapter in human history in orbit.


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