Saturday, July 27, 2024

The trick to find out who blocked you on WhatsApp


Let’s face it: WhatsApp is very useful, we can call and text for free with anyone, old friends, distant relatives, etc. But it also has drawbacks. Example? Whoever blocked us is keeping a secret.

Blocking someone on social networks – and therefore also on WhatsApp – is not a particularly nice gesture: once you have been blocked, there is no way to know or contact that person.

But precisely because the social messaging network is hiding it from us, we’re more curious to know who might have blocked us. And the great thing is that there is a way to get it right.

Let’s come to an agreement. The clues we have to follow are above all a few: the account we suspect that we have blocked is not online. Not only that, the other is not visible, and neither the date nor time of the last time the contact was online is available. Can it stop us? Yes, but to make sure you need at least three more details.

Lionel BonaventureGetty Images

Everyone who has blocked us will automatically make their profile picture invisible to us. We check, and if we see the photo, then surely we have not been banned. But if the image is gone, here’s an additional clue.

Well, one last check is missing. Let’s write any message to our contact: if no double check or blue check appears, the chances of our being blocked will be very high. But there is one last step to be sure: let’s try to contact (again via WhatsApp) the contact whose picture we do not see and we have not reached recently. Does the app allow us to communicate? If the answer is no, well, then we’ve definitely been banned.

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