Saturday, July 27, 2024

The story of Andrea Troise from Bari


“I learned that I had been accepted into NASA's Space Studies Program at the beginning of last December. At first, unfortunately, I was thinking about the possibility of quitting given the cost of participating, which was 20 thousand euros, but receiving a scholarship worth 12 thousand euros convinced me to look for a way.” Don't miss this unique opportunity.” These are the words with which a young researcher from Bari, Andrea Trois, explains to BariToday the beginning of his project Fundraising on GoFundMeTo turn his dream into reality: the 25-year-old engineer, born in Bari and residing in Casamassima, is looking for the remaining 8,000 euros that will allow him to attend the prestigious course organized by the International Space University, which will be held from June at the Space Center in Houston, Texas. .

Only 120 candidates were accepted into the American study programme, and Andrea was selected among these thanks to his excellent curriculum: after obtaining a three-year degree from the Polytechnic of Bari, the young man completed the two-year specialized course of the Master's degree in Mechatronics Engineering in Turin. His impressive academic career has seen him return to the University of the Bolivian Capital where he is completing his PhD in Aerospace Engineering and Science.

“I completed my specialist degree in Turin because I wanted to delve deeper into the aspects of mechatronics that I love so much – Andrea Troi explains to BariToday – and then I returned to Bari. Currently I am in New York where I am completing the obligatory period of studies abroad expected through my PhD. I currently work at the University “Stonebook on Long Island, an academic structure suitable for my project on foldable paper solar panels. Scientific-technical research concerns the possibility of folding panels into largely small-area solar panels, which when unfolded can occupy a large space.”

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“I will be busy on Long Island until July, but if I can raise the funds to participate in the space studies program, I will move to Houston in June. The NASA course is, in fact, intense: it will be held from June to August, day and night. It is an immersion Entire is dedicated to all topics of the aviation sector. Many of the aspects covered will find application in life and economics in the near future. Topics related to space economics (investments in supporting off-planet travel), space medicine (scientific research) and space law (all related to hardware abandonment) will be explored in depth and satellites in space).

Although his activity as a researcher has often led him to travel around the world in search of large international academic structures where he can continue his studies, Andrea feels a deep connection with his country of origin. “I dream of making my contribution to the fight against brain drain – stresses Trois – my goal is to stay here where I was born. Having trained in these contexts beyond the Italian borders, I would like to bring my experience back to Puglia. “I have many friends and colleagues who have left, e.g. To Milan. I want to be able to do something for my region: in the field of space investments, for example, in the region there are also some important facts that have been able to “establish themselves. It can be an important sector for the development of the local economy. The Space Studies Program of “It is also essential for NASA to study these issues in greater depth.”

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Completing the fundraising process by April: a race against time

The realization of Andrea Trois' dream is linked to fundraising. It's a race against time: the deadline for paying the registration fee for the NASA course, in fact, must be paid by the beginning of April, so the young researcher must recover 8 thousand euros within the next 40 days. “I started this collection method after reading the experience of other students and researchers who adopted this method, and unfortunately I cannot cover this amount from my savings. The initial result surprised me: I was able to collect 2,500 euros in 24 hours, in addition to the amounts paid by my relatives and friends, I noticed that an unexpected percentage of the money was coming from people who didn't know me directly. These are the people of Puglia, but also Italians abroad: some communities of Italian Americans in the USA have offered to donate. “I was touched by the closeness shown to me by all these people. I did not think this was possible.”

“I hope I can achieve this, and I hope I can achieve my goal and utilize the knowledge gained in Houston to continue my path (work and life) in our region. I am happy to return to Barrie, even if now I always find myself in New York for reasons related to my research activity.” . Andrea is determined and even stronger than the time difference: we called him on the phone late in the morning, and he spoke with great affection and kindness. “Here in New York, in fact, it's now 6.30 a.m. – he answered our question about the local time – but don't worry, I'm already awake and active, and I'm happy to talk to Italy.” The race to the dream of the NASA study program continues, good luck Andrea. Indeed, good luck.

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