Saturday, July 27, 2024

The Atlantic is waking up, and the hottest SCIROCCO since the weekend is back


The long-awaited Autumnal Equinox will arrive in just a couple of days, which officially marks the beginningastronomical autumn. As already mentioned in this article We will have a gradually increasing week in the fall: at first temperatures will suffer a sharp drop in the middle of the week (due to fresh air leaking from the Balkans), and then the Atlantic rains will now return with a high probability over most of the north and center.

with return Atlantic Troubles, a clear sign of the coming of autumn, the Pentecost will also return to half of Italy. The southern currents, energized by the colder incursion into the western Mediterranean and the Iberian Peninsula, will lead to an inevitable increase in temperatures, especially in southern Italy.

It is necessary to clarify that heat waves will not arrive in stable conditions, but we will have thermal increase in unstable conditions, i.e. with Strong winds of fifties and libeccioAs well as with the presence of several clouds and desert dust.
Temperatures are expected to rise From Sunday 25 In the southern regions can continue at least Until September 28-29 Thanks to the continuous south winds.
It is precisely these winds that will be responsible for the severe bad weather forecast, for the time being, in northern and central Italy.

But how high will temperatures actually rise? Given that we are now in the last decade of September and given the frequent cloud cover, temperatures will probably not rise excessively.
Indicatively, we will be able to record the maximum limits, starting from Sunday, between 24 and 28 degrees Celsiuswith some isolated peaks 30-31 ° C in Sicily, Calabria and southern Apulia. In short, we’ll get back to realizing a tiny amount of heat, but it’s clearly not comparable to what happened in previous heat waves.
These are the expected maximum temperatures Monday 26 September:

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