Friday, July 26, 2024

See the Earth photographed from the surface of Mars from a distance of 160 million kilometers!


A point in the Martian sky at night. This is how the Earth appears photographed from the surface of the red planet, thanks to the Curiosity image

The following image from NASA's Curiosity rover shows Earth as seen from the surface of Mars. It shines brighter than any star in the Martian sky at night. The Earth is the bright point of light slightly left of the center of the image. Curiosity, which landed on the Red Planet on August 6, 2013, was the largest and most advanced rover ever sent to Mars. Before Perseverance arrives. He studies the geology of the planet and finds evidence of a past environment suitable for supporting microbial life. Researchers used the left camera of Curiosity's Mast Camera (Matcam) to capture this scene about 80 minutes after sunset on the 529th Martian day, or sol, of the rover's operation on Mars (January 31, 2014). The image has been processed to remove the effects of cosmic rays.

Earth from Mars with the naked eye

See the Earth photographed from the surface of Mars from a distance of 160 million kilometers!
the Terra Festa da Martí. Image source: NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory-Caltech/Mallin Space Science Systems/Texas A&M University

A human observer with normal vision, if on Mars, could easily see the Earth and Moon as bright “stars” in the evening. When Curiosity took the image, Earth was about 160 million kilometers from Mars. This image is in addition to images of Earth that can be seen from afar, providing a unique perspective on our place in the universe.

Some information about the red planet

Marty Inside, it has a dense core made of iron, nickel, and sulfur. Around the core there is a 1,240-1,880 km thick mantle and crust of rock. Iron, magnesium, aluminium, calcium and potassium With a depth ranging between 10 and 50 km. Mars has a thin atmosphere composed mostly of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and argon gases, and does not provide much protection from impacts from objects such as meteorites, asteroids, and comets. The temperature varies within the range [-153; 20] Celsius Because the atmosphere is very thin, the air temperature Shoe He easily escapes the planet. Obviously, the temperature also changes depending on the region. Sometimes, winds on Mars are strong enough to cause dust storms They cover a large part of the planet. After these storms pass, it can take months for the dust to settle.

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Valles Marineris is Mars
the Valles Marineres Mars is his. Credit: European Space Agency

Valles Marineres

The Guadalquivir system is called “Valles MarineresIt extends for a distance of 4,800 kilometers: its width at its widest point is 320 kilometers, and at its deepest point is 7 kilometers. It is about Ten times larger than the Grand Canyon from Earth. The Red Planet is home to the largest volcano in the solar system. Olympus MonsIts height is 25 kilometers, and its base diameter is 600 kilometers. In short, a planet that has not yet been discovered!



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