Saturday, July 27, 2024

Tax revolution: goodbye to ‘super seal’


small cup good bye? It’s a concrete premise that is solidified by rumors leaked from Palazzo Chigi. In fact, the tax authorization law deserves a cut of between 500 and 800 million that will ease the pockets of Italians by sending expensive and useless payments to the roof.

Taxes, here’s what can change

Farewell to the non-hulled rice tax (contract fee paid to sowing or in-kind payment to the manpower assigned to the rice production company) or graduation tax. But these are only two examples: Among the various votes approved by deputies and senators, there are letters votes by simplification and fiscal rationalization such as small levies (taxes, fees and charges) in the revenue and territory sectors, introduced and maintained over time. The money generated by the state (tax revenue) is defined as less than 0.01% of the total tax revenue: in short, it can be given up.

cut off payments

The technologists of the Ministry of Economy who write the law were of the same opinion: As stated Italy today, among the small draws referred to in the report there are also super seal, public education taxes, recreation tax, increase in municipal tax on waste, regional tax on professional practice, regional surcharge on public water user fees, license fee on production fees. An enabling law can lead to the first intervention by providing criteria for it Superfine Systematic but ensures that resources remain unchanged.

Here is the “infinite” list.

So far, among dozens of greeting That citizens find themselves paying there those of Italian stockpiling, the surcharge on gasoline for motor vehicles, the excise duty on alcoholic beverages for fruit in spirit or flavored wine, the tax on insurance premiums on horse-racing events, the “single tax on the Enalotto and Totocalcio contests”, the tax on Solid waste landfill, tax on passenger flights for air taxis and private planes, surcharges on passenger boarding rights, sulfur dioxide emissions tax, tax on emissions from civil aircraft, contribution to telecom operators’ goods, copy rights and certificates from archives Documentation, NWPIC, contribution to energy revenue sector operators, tax on private aircraft and port boats, imp for B and C1 driver licenses, registration tax on lease, tax on severance indemnity reassessment.And we stop here.

See also  Auto tax 2022: deadlines, exemptions and how to avoid fines

It gives you a headache but that’s part of the huge amount of taxes that Italians systematically pay: maybe, who knows, it might be the time to really change something.


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