Rome, September 29, 2021 – Also confirmed for the year 2023 The 110% bonus, While One allowance for children It will run and Expiration To place orders Until October 31. Citizenship update notetease) Approved by Treasury. The program path for the triennium 2022-2024 – reads the introduction – makes it possible to cover the needs of the so-called unchanging policies and to renew many measures of economic and social importance, including those related to the health system, Guarantee Fund for Small and Medium Enterprises and incentives for energy efficiency in buildings and innovative investments. You will also be able to perform a file Social Safety Net Repair The first stage of tax reform. L ‘one check worldwide For children It will be fully operational.”
NADPH 2021 / pdf
Data on rising GDP and the economy
In the introduction to Nadef it is explained how “Health and economic status It has clearly improved in recent months” and “there is a tangible possibility of a gradual recovery from normal levels of openness in social, cultural and sporting activities, which will help reach the pre-crisis level of quarterly GDP by the middle of next year”.
Also in 2021 GDP will stabilize at +6% And in 2022, it will register a programmatic increase of 4.7%. So the document predicts that the interventions scheduled for next year will push growth by half a percentage point: in fact, it starts from the +4.2% trend. In the programmatic scenario, GDP growth will be 2.8% in 2023 and 1.9% in 2024 The ratio between public debt and output It will drop to 153.5% this year, 149.4% next, 147.6% in 2023 and 146.1% in 2024, opening up the wiggle room for 2022 with the difference between trend and programmatic deficit of nearly 22 billion. Employment is also growing to 6.5% in 2021, but should return to pre-outbreak levels in 2024.
Tax reform and tax cuts
they can come 4.3 billion for the tax reform fund, or the special fund introduced by the last maneuver that replaced the “Tax Burden Reduction Fund”. The fund is fed from resources assessed as higher permanent revenue resulting from improved automatic fulfillment or tax compliance. In NADEF, the government estimates the potential dowry at 4.357 billion, of which 2.87 is from the automatic improvement of the fulfillment of the value-added tax and 1.48 billion from the positive change in the value-added tax. Tax compliance on IRES and IRPEF. The document states that the new special fund “can be used to finance interventions to reduce the tax burden, with the aim of creating a direct link between the recovery of revenue derived from combating tax evasion and reducing the tax burden on honest taxpayers.” The government also affirms its “determination to reduce the tax burden by using the resources derived from combating tax evasion in the context of the budget session as a priority.”
Draghi: Press conference
In the afternoon press conference of the Prime Minister Mario Draghi and Economy Minister Daniel Franco. For the Prime Minister, the economic situation in Italy is “much better than we expected”. Draghi emphasizes trust in Italy abroad and links growth and vaccination. “There is confidence in Italy, and among Italians now, and the next budget law will remain broad. The essential element of this new confidence and growth is vaccinationDraghi explains: “Public debt is decreasing a little bit – he added – and I asked myself what it means: It’s the first confirmation that a problem High public debt We come out first and foremost with growth, which is the first quantitative confirmation.”
After declaring the Extraordinary Group of Twenty to Afghanistan on October 12 (“a humanitarian disaster, it is our duty to act”), the Prime Minister declared: “In our Cabinet Rome candidate to host Expo 2030This nomination, along with another very important event, the Jubilee 2025, says the road to Rome is a path of growth and activity.”
Minister Franco commented on the data as follows: “We have recovered the two-thirds of lost GDP in 2020. Italy is on a higher growth trajectory than in the last quarter of the century and it is clearly affecting the PNRR.”
Draghi also mentioned a very hot topic: File Land Registry Reform and property taxes. He stated clearly that the government “There will be no tax on the first homeOn the Land Registry, he promised a “transparency process.” Without raising taxesOn the financial issue, the Prime Minister announced that the Tax Power of Attorney will be introduced into the Clean Development Mechanism next week while Minister Franco said it would be “important to take some first steps to reduce the tax burden”.
Then Draghi also had the opportunity to answer another question about his possible candidacy for Quirinal. “You ask me every hour. It is also somewhat offensive towards the President of the Republic in office. It is a question that you should not ask me, but parliamentarians.”
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