Saturday, July 27, 2024

Summer pruning tricks for a lemon tree for great blooms


The lemon tree is a very resistant plant and adapts to live on the ground and in pots. The latter should be the right size to ensure that the plant grows well and bears fruit. Moreover, even if it prefers the heat of the Mediterranean climate, it can survive even in colder climates if it is well protected. Lemon fruit is a very valuable gift not only in the kitchen. In addition to being beautiful and therefore highly decorative, lemons and their juice have many beneficial uses.

Among the general rules for getting a healthy and lush lemon tree, pruning is essential. It is necessary for the plant to bloom and produce. This usually happens twice a year, depending on the climate in which the plant is located. Lemon blooms well in winter and then in late spring. To enjoy the fruit, you have to wait for February and the end of August – September.

The months leading up to summer are actually the best months for abundant blooms. Heat and even a slight heat allow the plant to thrive. Precisely for this reason, pruning is carried out in the summer. Here, then, are all the summer tricks for pruning a lemon tree for beautiful blooms.

Summer pruning tricks for a lemon tree for great blooms

Summer is the time when plants, in this case lemons, are at rest. This stop usually occurs in July, in the period between the two annual blooms. The secret is to prune out only dead branches or those that are too small to bloom, or even those growing in the center of the tree’s crown. Branches that have borne fruit in the past months can also be shortened.

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It’s good to know that only lemon branches bred the previous year will give flowers and fruit in late summer. Before pruning, all fruits remaining on the tree should be removed.

Immediately after pruning, the plant must be fertilized. The best traditional fertilizer for lemon is the one that relies on broken lupine and is rich in it Amino acids and mineral salts. Fertilizer should be buried a little. It would take 1 pound per square meter if our lemons were on the ground. Differently we use the quantity based on the size of the vase. It is also necessary to water the tree well after pruning for a few days.


Plant a lemon seed on the balcony

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings of this article, which can be referenced Who is the”)


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