Saturday, July 27, 2024

“Stop free tampons, for many they are a way to avoid getting vaccinated”


From Tuesday, so, in Veneto, if you want to take a broom, you will return To be paid, To be precise 8 to 22 euros. Speaking to “Courier della Serra”, Jaya defended the agreed action: “In two months we have crossed one million dumbbells – he explained – whoever can show up anytime, anywhere, we only did so.”

Everything changed Introducing the green bass. “The sweep has become an opportunity to go out without the need for vaccination – he says – there was an attack on diligence, and on Friday we had to do 52,000 wipes. But we have a duty to give them to the sick. . “

Jia then, recalled it 75% of Venetians have already been vaccinated (“And this percentage will rise again”), underscoring the effectiveness of the campaign. “As a result of being elected by a majority of Venetians a Equal to community – He demands -. If we had not been vaccinated, we would not have half empty hospitals today.

The head of the Vanito region also talks about this Green bass and work issue. “I’m very secular, I think the parties need to find a deal: the employers, the unions and the scientific community. Of course, the risks would be reduced if we were all vaccinated.”

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