Saturday, July 27, 2024

Stop at employment centers, private agents are coming


Bad news for the nearly 700 thousand earners Basic income Who refuse to work. To move them, the government is preparing to bring in private recruitment companies. The hypothesis about the shortage of staff and the benchmarking of employment centers where users will not find work is taking further shape at the construction site of the new citizen income.

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Under-Secretary at work explains Digiana Nicini: There is a need to create an integration between the public and private which does not yet exist. Citizens’ income at the moment is structured so that jobs come from employment centers, but when you look at the data these statistics provide 4% of jobs per year.

Thus, 96% of jobs are managed by the private sector through employment agencies. In short, private companies will take care of the job availability for the beneficiaries of the subsidy. Not only that. All benefits will be monitored, unlike what is happening now, so those who refuse to work can no longer escape it (after three denials, the right to contribute is lost). At this time, due to the way the system is structured, a worker can turn his back on 100 jobs without anyone noticing. So we are working on a national database to get the complete picture of job applications and offers, ”continues the Deputy Secretary for Employment in Lega Kota.

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When returning to employment centers, the problem is that more than 11,000 operators promised by the yellow-green government are still waiting for them to come into service: regions responsible for hiring, have moved late due to the Govt, and many more on appeal. About 10 thousand are missing today. So it is not surprising that employment centers have not been able to bring about the expected improvement. As a result, about 750,000 citizen income earners who are considered to have been processed have not yet signed employment contracts and are beginning to look for work, according to data released by Anbal in July. After the alarm for the absence of seasonal workers went off this summer a lighthouse was mounted for them: the tourism and catering entrepreneurs pointed fingers at the subsidy, accusing it of encouraging job earners to get the job.

The changes in assistance to be examined by the Ministry are not only related to the greater involvement of private employment agencies or the establishment of a database that monitors all employment. The possibility of reducing the term of undeniable contracts from three months to two months is also being assessed. Introducing a new condition linked to training to the Ministry of Labor is an equal priority: only those who have completed the fifth grade will be required to follow the course or be asked to drop the scholarship. Currently, the audience of those earning citizenship income is mostly made up of people who are not adequately trained. About 70% of the beneficiaries have low secondary education qualification. Beneficiaries and those with a tertiary education qualification make up less than 3% of users. The Scientific Committee for the Evaluation of Citizens’ Income, headed by sociologist Sierra Saraceno, pointed out that instead of allocating funds it is necessary to adjust the established parameters because families are lagging behind compared to singles. The ten-year residency limit for non-EU applicants may also be revised downwards. There is a chapter on bad controls to deal with. Undersecretary of Labor Tijiana Nicini also taps the numbers to photograph their ineffectiveness: “In 2020 there were about 6,000 income fraudsters, who received 50 50 million, including villas, luxury cars and mafia owners. The documents provided should provide more guarantees in the future “. Updated INBS data on citizen income beneficiaries and disbursements indicate that $ 5 billion has already been spent on this year’s grant and that rate should touch the $ 9 billion threshold by December. In July, 1.2 million families received assistance (which averaged 579 euros).
Francesco Pizosi
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