Saturday, July 27, 2024

Statistics: Unemployment decreases in March but increases for women


On an annual basis, Istat explains that ‘ Job seekers They are showing strong growth (+ 35.4%), due to the exceptional drop in unemployment that marked the onset of the health emergency; On the other hand, the number of inactive people between the ages of 15 and 64 decreased (-2.1%, equivalent to -306,000), which instead recorded an extraordinary growth in March 2020. ‘

Also in the 12 months, the unemployment rate grew by 2.2 points for men and 3.2 points for women, and employment decreased by 0.7 points for men and 1.6 points for women. Idle rate It decreases by 1 point for men and 0.1 point for women.

In March the unemployment rate rose between Young To 33% in March, returning to the January level, which was the highest in recent years, starting from April 2018. The increase recorded by Istat, compared to February, was 1.1 percentage points, and compared to March 2020, by 5.4 points.

According to the Research Institute, the first quarter of 2021 is witnessing Loss of 254,000 employees Compared to the previous quarter. The level of employment decreased by 1.1%. In this quarter, both job seekers (+ 2.4%, equal to + 59K) and inactive people 15-64 years old increased (+ 1.0%, equal to + 134k units).

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