Saturday, July 27, 2024

Space, the ASI Lares 2 satellite towards Kourou for launch on the Vega C.


Thursday, March 31, 2022 – 11:49

Space, the ASI Lares 2 satellite towards Kourou for launch on the Vega C.

In May, the first flight of the new bomber was

ROME, March 31 (askanews) – It has successfully passed the pre-launch test tests of the LARES 2 (LAser RElativity Satellite 2) systems, the Italian Space Agency (ASI) satellite, intended for the experimental verification of some relativistic aspects predicted by Einstein’s theory and for accurate measurement. Of interest in the field of space geodesy, it is ready to arrive at the European Space Center in Kourou, in French Guiana, for the first launch of Vega C by Avio, scheduled for next May. On board the flight, there will also be 6 cubes – we read on the Facebook page of the Italian Embassy in Korea – three of them Italian: Astrobio and Greencube, created respectively by the National Institute of Astrophysics (INAF) and Sapienza University in Rome, and Alpha from Arca Dynamics .

LARES 2 is a mission fully funded and managed by the Italian Space Agency. The principal investigator is Prof. Ignacio Ciofolini (Department of Innovation Engineering, University of Salento). Responsible for the satellite project is the Aeronautical Engineering Faculty of La Sapienza University in Rome, while the realization of this, as well as related development models, is the work of the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN), and in particular at the offices in Frascati and Padua. The design and construction of the launch and launch satellite-to-launch system once in orbit is the responsibility of OHB Italia. The mission will also benefit from collaborations with international scientific teams, particularly with regard to data analysis.

The goal of the two missions – LARES launched in 2012 again on Vega and now LARES 2 – is to verify Einstein’s general theory of relativity by measuring the phenomenon of inertial reference systems being dragged by Earth. Our planet, in fact, – as explained by Sapienza – drags its space-time rotation, and thus also the two satellites by a very small but quantifiable amount. The effect was measured with an accuracy of 2% thanks to LARES, but it is assumed that the accuracy will improve by an order of magnitude with LARES 2. The importance of data obtained from the satrin is also evident in other areas of applications such as those related to global climate change, earthquakes and volcanoes, and finally navigation systems via satellite.

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